Thursday, December 31, 2009

The end

Today is the last day of 2009, and OK, this might come as surprise for you all since I haven't told anyone yet: today is also the last day of Random Blah Blahs :'(

So go ahead, I'll give you all a moment to cry, mourn and be shocked ;)

Errrr...or celebrate that this dreadful blog is ending because everytime you saw it you dearly wanted to rip your eyes out? (though I'm not too particularly keen on that one)





Take your time....






ALRIGHT alright it's not quite the dead end :D
Starting next year, you can find me at:
or just hit my profile look under my blogs section

New year, new blog. Let's call it Chapter 2 (:

Twenty Ten :o
Of course I'll be far more mature, polite and sophisticated and so will my writing

(ahahaha. not -_____- )
and if you feel like shooting back to the past, Random Blahs Blahs will still be around for you to..admire :D

So tomorrow, go take a look, and start following my next blog (well it's completely up to you -_-)

The irrelevant awaits you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


GOSH. Don't you just HATE it when somebody goes and destroys you childhood mementoes when it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM and it wasn't hurting them in any way??

BAH. Ok, in year 2 or something I got this crab sticker for being the first student to get 100% in a spelling test, or some other kind of little kid academic achievement. Or it might have been for something lousy like sitting up straight with my arms folded and legs crossed, I don't remember. I just remember I got that crab sticker for an achievement in school when I was little.
AND it wasn't just one of those 2d sucky stickers that peel off whatever you stick them on the next day. It was made of foam and the crab was red with orange claws and it had those awesome googly craft eyes that moved when you shook them.
I was thrilled. When I got home, I stuck it on my light switch (okok, so it's a weird place to stick a trophy sticker but that's what I did) I had one of those big light switch things so there was loads of room for a crab sticker.
Anyway, the crab stayed there for a couple of years when it finally fell of and curled up and pretty much died, it was so old. And I chucked it in the bin. It was sad. BUT despite the fact that the crab was gone, its longering presence remained - a dark crab shaped smudge of dirt on the light switch pad. You know when you stick a sticker somewhere, and where you peel it off, it leaves that mark? Sometimes you get the mark with glue as well. Anyway, the point being that the crab was gone, but it's memory - a sticky crab shaped dirt patch - remained.


Today mum took the honours of spraying the light switch pad with windex and wiping off the crab mark. And now it's as clean and blank as a normal light switch pad. Way to go mum, destroy my precious memories, why not? -______-

I'm not happy. Not happy at all.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


While reading through old blog entries, I realized that somewhere along the way I promised to write about lost cats in Burma? Really, that was random of me to stick up...what was I thinking? Hmm, so I might as well follow through on that promise:

Once upon a time there was a mangy cat called Pad-Tai (don't give me evil looks, I'm hungry, all right?). She was a loner and wondered the streets of Burma all alone (because she was a loner, you see -___- ), in search of food. One day, PT (that's Pad-Tai abbreviated by the way) saw a green mouse (don't ask why it was green, it just was) and she chased it all the way down the dark alleyway when she caught it and ate it....and then the curse of the green mouse was unleashed upon PT who was doomed to turn green and forced to roam Burma to do the bidding of the one and only evil master of the king of Green Mouses (mice, my bad :/ ).....and what the heckk.....

This is getting really lame now...if someone wants me to finish it, just let me know. Otherwise, I'll just do you all a favour and stop right now -____-

Friday, December 25, 2009


Well, Merry Christmas to you all, today is Christmas day- WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Wishing everyone an awesome day =)

So anyway, I opened a couple of presents this morning :D
Hohoho, and this whole day we're going to be chocked up with family gathering togetherers things.

This morning we switched on the TV and hey, guess what? I watched some of hi-5. All I can say is WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT SHOW??? None of the original members are left, and now all they have is a bunch of cheesey try hard imitations. Seriously, it would've been better for them just to close down the show rather than continuing it with a pack of newbies, I reckon. First of all, the new Kathleen? Whatever her name is, has an aweful singing voice. It sounds like her voice wants to break any second. And then she holds up this piece of yellow sponge (that chup chup left on the table) and was like "oh! look at this! the mousey left some cheese!" I'm not sure even five year olds are going to fall for that, non-Kathleen...

And then the non-Tim? He looks freakishly similar to the old Tim except he was doing this ridiculous segment on snowflakes. Dude, in case nobody noticed, IT DOESN'T SNOW IN AUSTRALIA RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDDLE OF SUMMER >.<>
At least we got our morning of laughs, anyway. I feel so sorry for the little children of today for having to put up with such rubbish on TV.

And right now, as I blog (preparing for lunch at our place, relatives should be arriving in about an our) we're watching our Merlin box DVD set.
Hmm, that show is so corny. I wonder why I like it so much?

"Berbay odothat arisan quickem!" xD

Thursday, December 24, 2009


You know, the other day I discovered that Ferrero Rocher (you know, the chocos that are in the posh wrapping things) made other types of chocolates apart from the normal gold and brown packet nut ones. I suppose I am kind of slow in the area, like I got really surprised when I discovered honeycomb and strawberry tim tams, but it's just kind of like "what's wrong with the original?" The companies are probably just out to make more money because the original was a success so now they have to make a million different flavours to get the cash rolling. Which is a really big pain, because now, when you ask someone to go out and buy some tim tams, they come back with some foreign swiss chocolate type crunchy centre tim tam that you'd never even heard of when all you wanted WAS THE GOOD OLD NORMAL STUFF. Take twisties for example. The normal ones are fine. But seriously, the chicken twisties? Eugh. ANyone who's tried them will know what I mean. I know it's all a matter of personal opinion, but they are foul. And as my mum always says, "If you're going to get fat, you might as well get fat on the good stuff." Meaning consume Lindt, not Caramello Koalas.

However, and I guess now I'm going back on everything I just said, Ferrero Rondnoir - dark chocolate Ferrero Rocher is... so good! o.O My poor deprived tastebuds (there, I quote Maddison) have never before tasted such... yum stuff. And I'm not a fan of dark or nutty chocolate (Rondnoir has no nuts actually...uhh, that just sounded a little wrong. eh heh) and I know the picture of Rondnoir on the box makes it look like some undead sea monster clamshell thing, but it taste so good. I'd buy you all a box for Christmas, but I don't really think I have enough money for that so, as a Christmas treat, I'm reccomending it.

Oh, and I finally finished cleaning my room this morning. Cheers for me! (woop! woop! woop!)

The tree is almost up, and Christmas is tomorrow!

You know, things really don't get much better than right now :D

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sitting under aircon ^^

Wow, time sure goes fast.
It really doesn't feel like 2 and a half years since I first started blogging. Haha, but of course, I think I've deleted the blog I wrote when I was 12 hahaha. Very strange things I wrote, indeed.

Well, I've just taken a look around the place and our Christmas tree isn't up -___- Am I really the only one who hasn't got it up yet?

And I still have to clean my room. The deadline is Christmas, but I'm just far too lazy to too it =___= Maybe I should hire a maid.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Well, I'm back! In case anyone was wondering if I'd died or something, I haven't. Just endured a two week laptop ban (aarh, the difficulties I've been through -____- ) so if you want someone to blame for the lack of contact and blogs, go send hate mail to my mum. (No, only kidding, don't do it!)

So, I'm sure a lot's been happening that I haven't caught up with. Would anyone like to fill me in?

Hahaha, today I'm going to a christmas party :D
Can't believe Christmas is in 4 days! :O
Wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year.

isn't it so cheesy and unimaginative? I think everyone writes that as an auto-message when they can't think of anything else. I think 'merry christmas and a happy new year' is printed on at least a billion cards worldwide. I suppose some people might hate its lack of personal touch and people's laziness at not being able to come up with anything better, however others probably appreciated the simple sincerity and warmth of the message combines with the fact that the quote 'merry christmas and a happy new year' is a life saver for the almost illiterate or for those kinds of people who stare at a blank card for half an hour trying to come up with something half decent...

(aaaahh. Just rediscovered the joys of listening to the sound of the keyboard key things going click click when I type ^^
Emily: Woah, you type fast.
hohhohohohohoho :D )