Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stupid Vampires

You know...Twilight has not only become the "global gossiping ultimate awesome thing ever!! oh my gosh you sooooo have to see this he's sooooo cute..etc.etc." it had RUINED my life. it's ruined my life so much I have to blog about it TWICE. scroll down (riiiiiiight down to february somewhere),,, and then read the apology/caution statement first because I dunno can you go to jail for insulting someone else's copyright (c) book/movie/yeah yeah....etc.?
yaa, well friday night, my friend's mum gives my mum a dvd that some one or other at work downloaded off the net and gave it to her.ooooh, guess what it was? "TWILIGHT!!!" and she gets all excited you know (my mum, i mean) because it's like almost dvd quality and not those crappy ones you get when ppl film in cinemas.
and then once we get home she wants to watch it. so my brother spend ages trying to plug the playstation in (there's something very wrong with our powerpoint behind the tv with something to do with the plug behiind the wall so we can only play playstation/wii/watch a dvd one at a time-well duh-but only one can be plugged in at a time) doesnt work...^_^ so me and daniel are like "hHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA mum twilight SUCKS!" and she was all mad that it didn't work... so then she tries it on the dvd player (we had to replug the whole thing again) doesnt im like hahahahha bye mum i'm going to bed (no actually i was going to go onto my laptop d go hack neighbours network-haha not, i had to do some more drama homeork -_-) and just as i was going upthe stairs she was like "NOT-SO-FAST" can you guess what she wanted. of course, she wanted to watch it ON MY LAPTOP!!!!! i was so mad it wasnt funny, but then i could hardly say "sorry mum, i needto do my homework until midnight (no, only planning to go until ten) can we arrane something here?" so no.....i got it out for her and stuck in the stupid dvd and opened up windows media player......
ayyyye you know when you play asong on there and whe it doesnt have the album artwork, it only shows that blue music note? yeahh...well thats what hppened... HAHAHA!!! the sound was working but there was only that wmp blue and my broter were like rofl. you know that part at the very beginning when bella's taingbout how she neve thnks bout dying and then that bit when edward runnin after the deer ting in the forest? yeah wel we could hear it but not see it and then me and daniel were runnng around pretending to be vampires and biting each other lol wen that music came up xD mum got soooooo mad and she ket going "why isnt this working?????!!!!" and im like "ohh sorry mum, my laptop hates twilight xD"
so i take my lapop up going yessssss mae i can stll do my homework. and the i go to bed. fve minutes later i hear this maniacal laughing coming from the other side of the wall....and i was like "what now???" well of course it my mum laughing like a crazy person (my bedroom is like behind her bathroom i think) and then said she wanted to see if it would work on the computer...-_- i had a feeling she would keep going until something would play the stupid dvd even if she had to stick it in the toaster...
so we put it on te computer. it works. shame, by now its alreadke 9:30 and i cant do my homework otherwise she will hear the typing (computer room is right next to my room) so now i have to bed -_-
then she wanted to use my hello kitty cushion to put on the chair.(its one of thoe curved ones you put between your back ad the hard chair) and i wante to go "noooooooooo you cant use my hello kitty cushion to watch your stupid twilight movi" but of course i culdnt because she's my i was like"yes mum..." and then after wards i tried to go to sleep but i could because i could hear mym mum crunchng on chips, sipping cofee, moving the chair around....AAAAARGGGHHHH so much noise!!!!!!!!!! worst night ever....
stupid twilight.
why, oh why, stephenie meyer????????!!!!!!

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Oh Dearest Blog, I love you

The title is kind of munted. I'm not sure what got into me. well yeah was just reading kat denning's blog and then I was like '...i feel like blogging' i was actually going more into my own personal life. not really. i mean i could share my homework with everyone. i'm sure you'd all be thrilled. so
1. Drama script: I write a lot of scripts. not because i'm good at it, on the contrary I think i actually suck and write boring much too long unfunny scripts but yet, people always just make assumptions that i'm going to do it. I mean, not that i mind that...somebodys gotta do it after all, its just very difficult. huh, i used to think i was good at writing scripts but really, it's just that im good at writing palm cards which i'm too lazy to cut up. well, maybe not. but thats just the way i like to look at it.
2. Art Still Life: blllaaaaah, this was due last week but since i was getting my eyes checked for toxicamonic diseases (no, i was just confirming conacts n stuff) i missed art. what i have done so far, waiting for Becky, violin teacher, to come sucks. the pear/pumpkin/whatever it is doesnt look like its suppose to. SO FRUSTATING!!!

Ohhh and I found the perfect pair of glasses yesterday at dinella shopping plaza, and they'll be ready next week, or maybe the week after. the woman said 5-7 working days, but you can always count on people to be 5-7 working days late. anywaiz, they're dark red but the only thing i find weird about em is the sides look like thhey're holey. not holy, HOLEY. like a big fat gap. apprently thats they style but it still looks funny -_- hhhhaaaaa well, i still love them ;) guess i'll be wearing them soon at school, and stuff. O.O unfortunately they're exceedingly expensive as all glasses are (no cyndi and jang, buying them in hong kong and korea for a dollar doesnt count-im talking about aussie products which i know you say sucks. well it IS expensive but doesnt it cost more to fly opver there un less you incorporate it in an already planned holday then you're wasting money, but since i never go there anyway it would be pointless....ahh now im just confusing myself) well, mum just said to consider it as a birthday present. =)
also, imma getting contacts. soon. dont ask how soon, i still dont know. this is going to be strange poking things into my eyes on a regular basis...*shiverr* well these are the ground rules. i'll eveen put them here so i dont forget:
1. make sure hands are clean before taking them out/putting them in
2. don't don't don't DON'T sleep with them still in your eyes
3. ohhh bum (ha, im still allowed to use kim bum's name in vain, since he's only a good old normal human, so BUM). i've forgotten it. im think it was, only wear them for one day. ditto, i'll have to ask harmony, i guess she's the expert. or maybe faith. or maybe lurika, or kristiana, hmmm who else wears contacts??

yeshhh well anywaym time to go back to my drama homework (( dang it x_x))

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Blah Blah's of Sunday the 1st March 2009

1. 9:53am-Cyndi Offline
This is so terrible :'(
It may seem incredibly selfish but you have NO idea how unhappy I am that you're internet life is over, at least until july...
it feels like someone..or at least SOMETHING has died.
now i dont talk much on msn
who's gonna read my blog?
who's gonna share soompi forums wth me?
AAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAaaarghhhh!!! x_x
I know it's the first day of March but I miss the online cyndi so much already :'(

2. 9:58am-Boys Before Flowers
Cyndi and Jang you were right. =O this show is AWESOME!!! I watched episode one and a bit of episode two...up to the bit when they're talking about ji hoon's past...@_@
But umm, whazz with Kim Bum's earrings?
lol i love jan di..thats right kick those F4's asses =D

3. 9:59am-Greenpeace
So....i'm doing my english speech on greenpeace.finished about 15 mins ago I think it's a bit long and also sounds a bit like imma having a go at everyone for not caring about the environment..x_x oh well. anywayz i said in the speech to advertise green peace in your myspace/site/blog/whatevs so:
src="" border="0" alt="Greenpeace">
well i hoped that worked since its supposed to be a greenpeace banner and the copy and ctrl V didnt work so i had to TYPE half of that, luckily its only short...-_-

4. 10:04am-Com Keyboard
Its broken and its so annoying.
you cant even type the password in at the beginning so you cant even LOG ON!
well sometimes you can..after pushing thered button for 20 mins it kinda works... -_-
it really does suck.