Sunday, March 01, 2009

Blah Blah's of Sunday the 1st March 2009

1. 9:53am-Cyndi Offline
This is so terrible :'(
It may seem incredibly selfish but you have NO idea how unhappy I am that you're internet life is over, at least until july...
it feels like someone..or at least SOMETHING has died.
now i dont talk much on msn
who's gonna read my blog?
who's gonna share soompi forums wth me?
AAAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAaaarghhhh!!! x_x
I know it's the first day of March but I miss the online cyndi so much already :'(

2. 9:58am-Boys Before Flowers
Cyndi and Jang you were right. =O this show is AWESOME!!! I watched episode one and a bit of episode two...up to the bit when they're talking about ji hoon's past...@_@
But umm, whazz with Kim Bum's earrings?
lol i love jan di..thats right kick those F4's asses =D

3. 9:59am-Greenpeace
So....i'm doing my english speech on greenpeace.finished about 15 mins ago I think it's a bit long and also sounds a bit like imma having a go at everyone for not caring about the environment..x_x oh well. anywayz i said in the speech to advertise green peace in your myspace/site/blog/whatevs so:
src="" border="0" alt="Greenpeace">
well i hoped that worked since its supposed to be a greenpeace banner and the copy and ctrl V didnt work so i had to TYPE half of that, luckily its only short...-_-

4. 10:04am-Com Keyboard
Its broken and its so annoying.
you cant even type the password in at the beginning so you cant even LOG ON!
well sometimes you can..after pushing thered button for 20 mins it kinda works... -_-
it really does suck.

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