Sunday, February 22, 2009

Blah Blah's of Sunday the 22nd February 2009

1. 5:08pm-Today's Date
First of all, today is Emily's 14th Birthday, SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY! I know that she doesn't read this blog (yet...) but I'll say happy b'day anyway =]

2. 5:11pm-Ginger Bread Men
These are officially my favourite food =] Yum Yum Yum. today we found a whole heap of slightly stle but edible gingerbreadmen left over from Christmas :) YUM! anyway.
-First you break off the RIGHT leg and eat it. It has to be the right leg because most things are right handed/legged so it cant run away (have you never heard the gingerbread man story) ths is lame but do it anyway.
-Then you take off one of the buttons. if ur gingerbread man doesnt have buttons then its a con and not a real but dw. skip this step then.
-then you eat the other leg.
-then the arms
-then the body
-then the head.

3. 5:45pm-pc4pc
It happens so much on myspace. it's EVERYWHERE! on ppls profiles, in their blogs, bulletins and updates. WHY WHY WHY?? why is everyone begging everyone else for picture comments? ppl, everyone likes to be told they are beautiful...but doesn't begging people to say it kinda take the point out of it? I dont have anything against people who DO grovel for picture comments...I just think it's sort of weird...thats all -_-

Sir Sucker Cullen

The following is a (duh) blog on why I think twilight...well why I dont particularly like it sorry if this breaches copy rite laws or whatever and offends stephenie meyer and her family (umm...) and twilight and edward cullen fans...but yeah this is just my own personal view..imma actually not putting guns to the nations' head and saying u have to think about twilight exactly how I do..ok?? this is just what I think ^_^ and lani or hannah if you happen to be reading THIS...don't read any further..i dont want you peopl coming after me with a butcher knife :S
--and also theres spoilers so if you dont want to know what happens in the bok u'd better wait till AFTER u've read it.. uh yeah.

This is just one thing I don't understand--> why has this so called phenomenom gripped so MANY WOMEN???? HUH? ok. its a girl and a vampire. kiss kiss smooch smooch. chuck in a vampire family, a baby girl, an evil vampire or two, a cliff, a few shape shifters or werewolves whatever and voila! A so called "AWESOME STORY"
pfft...oh please.
The only person I like in the book is ALICE. stephenie meyer, you should have ditched everything else and made a story around little old alice.
so YA. half my friends, mum, other peoples i know...obsessed.sucked in. brainwashed. being around them is like "rewdtgnynreutwilightuehdnturdmedwardcullenfgdueiohyvngd
imjwiebellarudhmruweodhmufreenesmeejmhjrfwejhmtfghdmvbnnewmoonhgdoudmvampire..." etc etc etc. ocd. people have all been diagnosed with obsessive cullen disorder..thres even a little charm hanging off my friends phone to prove it x_x
and on magazines. o.o seriouly can people not find anything else to read about?? what's wrong with obama? come on he's the PRESIDENT of USA...i know we're all australian yeah but STILL. at least he's HUMAN.
plus all you funny little girls with boyfriends hanging off your arms and worshipping the ground you walk on. how do you think they feel when all you talk about is how perfect edward cullen is?
and by the way, he isn't perfect. yeah sure he's good looking and uhh selfless and smart..but. come on. being around him would be like being around...i dunno.not a real person. okay, so he's not a real person (no duhh-fiction vampire) butone thing i noticed...he's so SERIOUS!!! pfft no sense of humour what so ever. but hmm i guess since he is doomed to be like a immortal being for a gaziilion years and always want to drink um blood (which by the way is another con) well yeah that probably why he's serious...but do you get what imma saying?
alice--> woopee!!! =] best character ;)
bella--> pfft. selfish git.
carlisle and esme--> well there wasnt really so much abou them..
jasper; huh?
emmet--> meh
rosalie: barbie
renessme: cant spell it. what the heck shes like a vampman..or uh bout vammpBABY?
and yeahh so on and so on.
also wanted to add that the vampires have SUCH and unfair advantage!! what happened to the stake and garlic?? no effectt at all -_-

yeahh well hereis a "contructive critiscm" of the books/movie. which by the way i only notcied when cam pointed it out to me--> they all have something to do wit the moon ^_^ which I dun get because they're vampires-not werewolves...not that this is gonna do much good since they've all been published/released alreadyy...oh well.
Twilight- This book is just all about bella and edward falling in love and then uhh some killer tracker vampire wants to kill bella. fight. end of story. i nearly fell asleep reading this. SOOOOO slow and so much pointless dialogue. this is definitely subjective to arguement but uhh-> borrrring and sooo sappy.
New Moon- The only thing worse about reading about edward and bella is reading abou bella and jacob. ew. not good. and the rest of it is just an improvised version of romeo juliet written in readable enlish.
Eclipse: Hmm. this one is pretty good actually. I LIKE THIS BOOK =] nice nice tick tick good work :) well i like most of it anyway. lol it still does have it weird parts hehe...
Breaking Dawn: This is just weird. SOOOooo twisted. Oh my gosh, seriously...i actually think there is something worse than bella and jacob and that is renesme and jacob. FOUUULLL x_x yaa well this movie is just gonna be like RxxxxxV for violance age 100000000+ suitable for (hmm might damage old peoples health) its going to be like bloody (as in lots of blod and gore) pretty disturbing yeah. anyway. not a fan of this book.
twilight (the movie): it was ok.... i guess. at least it moved faster than the movie.

...well yeah. thats my little complaint muahaha. -_-
once again...sorry if you read it and now hate me. everyone does have different interests after all...

Well I think My hair's still black.

Ok. Yesterday was "the big day" and at around five I went and put on an old shirt. I picked my cheese shirt which I wore to the 2007 sports carnival (it's bright yellow and disgusting so my sister said I looked like a giant cheese in it) and then found a holey towel so I wouldnt get the cheese shirt dirty.
So...mum started doing step one and like massaged the mixture through my hair. The whole time we had to watch my sister's grad dvd which kept freezing and then my bro wanted to watch the school yearbook dvd but then he had to shower and left the stupid classical music running and thats what i listened to the whole time... and I had to wait for like half an hour for the stuff to set in. And oh my gosh- it itched!! When i did the allergy test supposedly if it turned red, got swollen or started itching or any other abnormal reaction then I wasn't supposed to use the stuff. When mum asked me if my ear itched i was like " a little tiny bit but it might have been my imaginatin..." You know, like when the whole class gets a note about nits and then everyone's head starts to itch and you cant tell whether you actually have it or if it's just your imagination. Well it was sort of like that. But I can tell you, sitting there for half an hour with a red scalp (I know; gross hey- the stuff got onto my head and turned it red :S) and it ITCHED. I know now that it wasn't my imagination. Luckily for me it actually only itched a bit so I didnt really feel the extreme need to scratch but still, sitting there with your whole head itching, if only mildly is still annoying. I just feel sorry for those poor people who skip the allergy test and then their whole face swells up.
Yup, so then I washed it out and the water in the shower turned all red/brown like someone had been murdered in yeah, it was pretty yuck. After, I dried my hair and checked it and it was So I was like "mum! Well I think my hair's still black!" and she was all, "no, no its good. It's just dark DARK brownish auburnish reddish..." hmm well she was right but I could only see it in the sunlight, in the dark it looked plain black ...-_-
and then it was time for phase two-highlights. except this time we were watching pirates of the carribean 2 so it was slightly more interesting and i was eating pasta at the same time. except then a strand of my fringe covered in the blue/white stuff fell in my face and i couldnt move it otherwise i'd stuff up the process so i could only feed myself from one side of my face...eeeugh how maddening x_x and also i couldnt wear my glasses so the only way to tell between jack sparrow and elizabeth swann (well-they both have long hair thats why i couldnt really see who was who) was by listening and using my ears...but ah well i already know the movie like back to front so it wasnt so bad.. huh and then halfway through the movie my sister's like "!!!!!!! like oh my gosh your hair's turning blonde!!!!" and my mum was like, "WWWHHAAAAAAAT?!" and i was like "noooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO not like barbie!!!" ok no I wasn't but I was pretty upset that it was "turning blonde" so then I like beat an olympic record running to the bathroom and like jumped into the shower to wash it off before it turned white or something...and then I checked it.


:) they just though it was because it was going goldish...

well anyways that's my little adventure of last night and now i have supposedly dark dark brown hair with auburn/brown/gold highlights and I'm happy :) there kind of isn't much at the bottom lol its all on top but its pretty good for a first time effort for mum :) aaaah shes so awesome=] thanks mum.
but now that the fun's over. its back to homework...and tommorrow's school....*ggggassssp* i just wish it were the holidays.....

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Okay...well today is the big day.
It's the first time I've ever dyed my hair before and mum is doing it for me; because no way am I gonna do it myself.
Yep, I hate to admit it but I'm a bit nervous after reading the, I seem to be the only school aged person who has bought this particular stuff because all of the reviews are by adults, as far as I know. Anyway, the colour is called dark copper and mahogany with highlights...and its the 'l'oreal experte' stuff. It's, like, dark brown with lighter brown highlights. Some of the experte reviews on the net are kind of scary. I think quite a fair amount of people's hair turned a sick orange colour...I dont know what I'm going to do if my hair turns orange..I guess I could:
1. Get angry and blame mum for messing up and say that I have to go off school until my hair becomes normal again in compensation (is that how you spell it???)
2. Go to the hairdressers and get it fixed up for $10000000 (and endure the hairdresser's lecture on how horrible I look and how bad home products are and recommending their other $100000 salon-do)
3. Mum will say it doesn't look that bad and will force me to go to school with it
4. Bleach until it's blindingly blonde (....)
5. Darken it until I have some kind of shade like auburn
6. Pretend everything is normal and then get Cindy and we'll make a website/business page on hair disasters and thump up anyone who says my hair looks so orange (um. ok, maybe not) Yeah. Well, as you can see, my choices are pretty limited. So im guessing there's an approximate...4 or 5 hours until I'm getting it done. And yes, Cindy, I'm wearing a little white hat with a bright blue bow on it on Monday so you can be FIRST to see my new (hopefully not sick-orange) hair..but I'll probably get told off by some random uniform-enforcing mad teacher for wearing it in which case I'll have to explain in which case they'll want to see it in which case no, you won't be first to see it.......
After I've done some piano and homework mum will do my hair...fingers crossed! Hopefully no ORANGE
Well will update on results sometime later.....hopefully it does turn out dark copper and mahogany.