Thursday, December 03, 2009


I know I said I wouldn't blog until the holidays began, but then - what do you do when you find you've got an extra ten minutes or so on your hands? Oh yeah, that's right - BLOG.
So here's some of that cool stuff to feast your eyes on.

Green (with purple spots) Dinofish sticker vs Pink (with purple splodges) T-rex sticker
It was kinda one those "you-had-to-be-there" moments, but it was so brilliant, I'll just have to document it as best as I can.
Cindy: RAWR. I have a pink dinosaur and it's much better than you're stupid green dinosaur!
Emily: No way - my GREEN dinofish is WAY COOLER than that PINK thing!
Cindy: No, pink is way better than GREEN.
Emily: Errrr.....GREEN all the way!
Cindy: Well - yours has horrible disgusting RED DOTS all over it, how gross!
Emily: They're not red! They're purple! And they're perfect round circles - not all deformed purple splats like yours!
Cindy: Well- well my PINK T-REX is still better! I mean, look - it's a T-REX! Everybody loves T-rexes! All yours does is eat vegetables~
Emily: Exactly! My dinofish is a VEGETARIAN while your pink T-rex is going aroung EATING PEOPLE. IT KILLS PEOPLE.
Cindy: RAaaawwRRR!
Emily: RRRRRAAaaawwwrrrrrrRRR!
Of course, it was much funnier. I just have a bad memory right now.
Thankyou, Cindy O and Emily D for the best form class I think I've ever had, and to Rebecca, for providing the dino-stickers which spun off such great entertainment.

Well, all I can say is GOOD RIDDANCE to those stupid mesh stockings - fat lot of good they did! They failed in holding in leg fat (*cringe*) and only made your legs look even FATTER by adding an extra layer under the tan stockings -____-
Surprisingly, my ring didn't fly off in the middle of the single ladies dance and knock out/kill some poor innocent like the time I accidentally threw a streamer and it whackes some 10 year old in the head during Finale.
Took some photos, hohohoho. For some reason, the photographer kept rearranging the set right before he took our photos, both times. I feel special!
And, of course, the rant. She kept it short this year, about half an hour, I suppose. The usual telling offs: wispy hair, not enough makeup, exposed bra straps and other costume issues. She traumatised about 3 children by asking them to stand and showing the entire theatre exactly what was wrong with that poor kid's costune/hair/makeup. I resorted to flicking sequins around on stage at the person in front of me.

I honestly cannot believe I missed all the action - I'm SO disappointed! Of all days this could have happened - it had to happen on the day when I wasn't there! Since I'd left early to go to the dress rehearsal, a 'suspicious package' was sent to the school, and later than night, it was blown up by police. The school went under a lockdown too. Just my luck.
Of course, it can be looked at that I'm a protector of the school, haha, and an hour after I leave, someone tries to destroy the school!
Or, as Alice so kindly put it, she reckons it was me that sent it in the first place -____- Nice going, you suspicious minded twerp.

Paired up with Rin. Made a 12cm tall, very twisted and wonky spaghetti and marshmallow tower. Failed in winning, but succeeded on rebelliously snacking on building materials :D
Well, at least we beat Ashleigh&Rebecca and Jang&Emily, hohohoho (:


ALICE said...

i only got one mention.
i want a blog dedicated to me please.
to go along with the book.
that is all.

Sarah Why said...

Dear Alice,
I've written loads of blogs about you. True, most of them are complaining about your annoyingness and lack of intuition to leave me alone when I want to be most, but no one else really seems to mind that :D