Friday, December 25, 2009


Well, Merry Christmas to you all, today is Christmas day- WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Wishing everyone an awesome day =)

So anyway, I opened a couple of presents this morning :D
Hohoho, and this whole day we're going to be chocked up with family gathering togetherers things.

This morning we switched on the TV and hey, guess what? I watched some of hi-5. All I can say is WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT SHOW??? None of the original members are left, and now all they have is a bunch of cheesey try hard imitations. Seriously, it would've been better for them just to close down the show rather than continuing it with a pack of newbies, I reckon. First of all, the new Kathleen? Whatever her name is, has an aweful singing voice. It sounds like her voice wants to break any second. And then she holds up this piece of yellow sponge (that chup chup left on the table) and was like "oh! look at this! the mousey left some cheese!" I'm not sure even five year olds are going to fall for that, non-Kathleen...

And then the non-Tim? He looks freakishly similar to the old Tim except he was doing this ridiculous segment on snowflakes. Dude, in case nobody noticed, IT DOESN'T SNOW IN AUSTRALIA RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDDLE OF SUMMER >.<>
At least we got our morning of laughs, anyway. I feel so sorry for the little children of today for having to put up with such rubbish on TV.

And right now, as I blog (preparing for lunch at our place, relatives should be arriving in about an our) we're watching our Merlin box DVD set.
Hmm, that show is so corny. I wonder why I like it so much?

"Berbay odothat arisan quickem!" xD


cyndi said...,22606,25099337-5012985,00.html

i looked it up and laughed especially "I jumped into the pool full dressed and started screaming," she says.

if only i could end my news report with such a funny quote ^^

and i watched sherlock holmes at midnight it is very pure AWESOME

Sarah Why said...

Yeah I watched it last night as well, I was about to call you and reccomend you watch it but it seems you've already done that ^^

Wasn't it absolutely brilliant?

Halle said...

omg! Sarah i have never laughed at a blog like this eva!! the hi 5 story made my dayy lol, {quote} "she has a horrible singing voice like its gunna break any minute"

"i feel sorry for the kids of today, having to put up with such rubbish"
i totally agree,carols by candlelight hi 5 performance was the awesome traditional santa claus is cumin to town, holy christamas song,rudolph the red nosed reindeer this year they sang this totally random out of tune song that no one knew the lyrics too
what is even more sad is taht there are about 20 memebers of hi5 internationally south africa,america,england,australia,new zealand etc. do they wan't to cause trauma within the kids due to youthful amnesia by havuing to remeber and not get confused by all these members??

watch the lameness of hi5 '09

i miss Kelli,Nathan,Kathleen,Charli and Tim actually i wasn't really a big fan of charli she was a copy cat she did mock imitaion of the other 4 members show

Sarah Why said...

@Halle: Wow. Such dedication to the original hi-5, lol. Yeah I used to really like Kathleen and Tim, haha. Charli was a copy cat but I think some of my friends in pre primary used to like her because she was the only member with long hair xD