Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sitting under aircon ^^

Wow, time sure goes fast.
It really doesn't feel like 2 and a half years since I first started blogging. Haha, but of course, I think I've deleted the blog I wrote when I was 12 hahaha. Very strange things I wrote, indeed.

Well, I've just taken a look around the place and our Christmas tree isn't up -___- Am I really the only one who hasn't got it up yet?

And I still have to clean my room. The deadline is Christmas, but I'm just far too lazy to too it =___= Maybe I should hire a maid.

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

It's okay, the majority of people in HK havent got christmas trees in their houses coz their house/apartment is too small

We had to draw the christmas tree with window markers on the window :/