Thursday, June 11, 2009


Hmm. I realize that I haven't actually posted in a while. I think over a month, but oh well. No one reads this blog anyways. I dnt know whys I bother updating at all can always hope.

Just wanted to, erm, discuss certain topics because I really have nothing better to do (other than do homework +_+)

Drama. Drama. Drama. Shakespeare, right? If you want to feel sympathetic for me, look up Act 1 Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet. And I'm playing the nurse. Not only is her part LONG and all "thee,, thou, thy, dost, hath....blah blah blah" it's actually pretty...sexual. Yeah, Yeah, ew. Shakespeare sure was one sick dude...

Ok, another thing is Blogspot. The writing looks so nice NOW when I'm creating the posts; it looks awesome; but when i post it, it doesn't look as nice anymores. =( it looks like Arial. what's this, times new roman? Ppl thinks it's weird but I really like times new roman. I use that font ALL the time, it's like i go onto words, click non spacing, then change font to times new roman and size ten. I do it without thinking really, and apparently that's not normal. I also get kind of annoyed when other people DON'T do this (which they usually don't) but....mmmm, yeah. prefer books to be written in size ten times new roman, of possible, haha. i'm gunna try changing font to tnr and see what happens.

Umm, what else? Oh ya. RINGS. I don't know if anyone noticed but I like never wear rings. Well, i did wear that watch thing becca gave me from singapore but only for a while before it pinched my finger and i got ring-phobia again. I reall seriously do think i have ring-phobia.
The story starts off when I'm three right, and i discover this really small plastic bottle top part and it fits perfectly on my finger. Ladeedadeeda, here's three year old me prancing around with a plasticky thing on my finger, pretending it's a ring.
Andd, then I lost it in the car, somehow.
A year later (woop, I've been upped to age four) i re-found it again, in the car. Wow wow wee, so excited "MY RING!-" and i specifically remember actually saying that. or something like it. then i put it back on my finger. stupid stupid me.
My finger probably grew and that year, so when I put it on, it wouldn't come off.
Not when i tried tugging it or biting it; nothing.
And it soooo tight that the circulation was slowly being cut off, uhhh ohhh.
Well my nana took me to the toilets to try get soap and water to try slide it off. Which was a good idea, but it was on too tight for that to work. So we really didn't know what to do. And my finger was going numb and turning kind of purplish blueish.
Eventually, to cut a long story short. My uncle Reg had to cut it off with a swiss army knife.
I remember sitting there pretty terrified that he was intending to cut off my whole finger. Well he didn't, and once i got it off and could start moving my finger i was all "neeeever again!!"
+_+ and there you have it, the reason I dnt wear rings. +_+
Pretty lame really.

Ohh, I just discovered that this font is Georgia. which is completely hypocrytic because i like it better than tnr. OH well.....maybe that's just for blogging, right?

LOVE THEM. Always have, always will.
Instant Noodle count:
Saturday 6/6/2009-Lunch-Teryaki Chicken Flavour
Tuesday 9/6/2009-Afternoon Tea-""Tomotsu??" (I think) Flavour

And yes. Bored, bored, bored. Nows better get back to that stinking pile of homework.

Ahhhs, byes people

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