Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thing that Have stuffed me up for a life (or at least a lot of it)

1. The ring incident- (1999)
(scroll down to read blog about the ring incident.)
Result: Never again can wear rings.

2. Beauty and the Beast; An enchanted Christmas- (1999)
Thanks to watching this movie when I was little, after seeing the evil organ (the keyboard/piano thingy) in this movie I was never right again. Seriously, that thing is SCARY. Well, was. It's eyes and mouth..*shivers*
Result: Had nightmares for weeks after seeing the movie. Could never hear the sound of organs again for a long time without going berserk. Even today, I still cringe when I hear organs. The noise they make is spooky enough on its own without a disturbing memory to go along with it.

3. Wii/ Wii Fit/ Pesky Siblings- (2009)
Not only is your weight displayed on the tv for the whole world (aka, Brothers and Sisters) to see, but only a couple of button presses away, ANYBODY can access the mii channel and edit your character.
I can't even count the amount of times emily and daniel have changed my mii into a male/suddenly make it gain excess weight/grow a shifu moutstache and beard/get grey hair/go BALD/etc etc etc.
The worst one was when it got turned to a male without me realizing and when i played rhythm boxing, there was my mii. Topless.
Like, I know it's graphics and all-just a game. But still. That thing represents me. can't have it parading around like that...
Result: Humiliation/Annoyance to the point of wanting to beat up said siblings but cannot for obvious reasons.

4. Sydney Opera House- (2007)
Once upon a time there was a trip called the Syney/Canberra. At the opera house, i dared emily to kiss it (it was filthy), so she did it. then she dared me back. because it looked so disgustingly rank, i got out my little pocket dettol and scrubbed it clean. then to get it over and done with, i leaned forward and tried to quickly get it over and done with.
Uh uh, not smart. What i thought was "quick" i actually ended up smashing my head into the house and sending my braces shooting through my mouth. There was a lot of blood and it wasn't pretty.
Result: Busted lip that refused to heal for months and an extremely anti-patriotic hate towards said Opera House <:(
Couldn't help noting that this is extremely similar to the monkey bar incident. just don't learn, do I?

5. The Monkey Bar Incident- (2000)
In pre primary, Tiana betted that I couldn't jump four bars. And i betted her that I could. So I tried.
Well I ended up jumping a lot more than four bars and smashed into the pole at the end.
Pain Pain Pain. And an added plus that mum was twenty minutes late to pick me up from school that day.
Result: A black eye (left) that STAYED black for MONTHS. i have photographic evidence that most of my five year old life was spent with a pirate patch bruise. and people wondered why emily always looked better in the photos.
Never been able to face up to monkey bars again.

6. Metal Wicket Inicident- (2005)
Result- Let's just say that thanks to this, I can never ever play cricket again, and probably can't have kids either.

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