Thursday, November 05, 2009

Day Five, Novaembara

☆cindy: kimi ni todoke☆ 58 days!! (7 weeks) says:
*blog blog blog

and here I am. Again.

Still tired yah, but I think everyone's had enough of me complaining about how tired I am, so I'll just not mention it then...

Chapter One. My day.

HOME. 6am
So wakes up this morning and I try to study for sose by highlighting *important* sections. WHY is is that nearly the whole book ended up highlighted? Ugh, not working...

FORM. 8:50am

Airconditioner sounded like someone was smashing it on the other side. Smelt like someone had tried to smuggle 1000 dead bodies and 1000000 dried fish in the air vent.

Huh? Newspapers. Boring, dude.

Why are why knees so tanned?
Why are my feet so white?
WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY SKIN. (double eyelid still on vacation)

Cindy: Oh my gosh, it smells just like dog food! (referring to milo icecream--**by the way, the canteen got loads of new icecreams :P when did that happen?**--)
Harris: Um, no, it smells like milo.
Cindy: No, it really does smell like dog food.
Harris: ... did you by any chance feed your dog milo?
Cindy: .........
(laugh) Aha Aha Aha Aha kekekeke.
... Yes :)

Sarah doesn't like the sound of the Asian language nor is she a fan of "asian-style" clothes.

doze time.
Harris: the rocket is used for carrying fuel
Dr Y: and what does the rocket do with the fuel?
Harris: ...uh, carry it?
Dr Y: ...
class: har. har. har.

still don't know what to get for baby shower. how about pink soap?

Chapter Two. Pointless chatter, like always.

It's amazing that people have actually started reading my blog. Now I feel like I have actual standard to live up to, or whatever. Special credit to Sushi who's always read and liked, or at least, pretended to like.

So here are your random blah blahs of today:

1. Spring.
I don't know who else is dying from this damn hayfever, but I have like TTHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIISSSSSS many tissues stacked up in my room. I swear, if any of you guys can like invent a cure for hayfever, I would...use it.
Claratyne sucks. even though the tablets are so tiny, if you try to swallow them without water, they get lodged in throat and you actually have to punch yourself to get the tablet dooowwwn. So don't do it. Also, just for a quick medical lowdown:
1. Rhinocourt smells like wontons.
2. Becanase makes your brain sore (kind of like brain freeze, but not quite the same)
and they both make you sneeze straight away, so what's the point?

3. Traffic lights.
I've always wondered how they work. DO they have like sensors? Timers? Or there like a person to each traffic light that watch the road through a hidden camera and control the lights?

Chapter four. Ode to Anaya.

don't read this unless you're:
ALICE  (otherwise you'll die of boredom)
I guess you wanted this blog to be all about you. I guess I can blag on a bit longer about stupid pointless stuff and let everyone know about your alicesheness.
1. I'm still annoyed that you threw a rock at me on Tuesday because I have failed to pay you back.
2. I noticed you got a new band aid
3. The book is hereby still unfinished, hahaha, now you can cry
4. What no?
5. Of course I'm *not* annoyed.
6. I want your shirt bag.
7. Stop pulling your tongue out otherwise I'll cut it off :D
8. You still never answered my question. WOuld you or would you not bury yourself in a hole to save EC from your horribly highly infectious dinofever?
9. I'm singing Jakers in my head, and it's all you fault.
10. Please DON'T DON'T DON'T get a front fringe. your hair looks nice the way it is...leave it @_@

Chapter Five. For the benefit of Miss TV
Here's you summary, enjoy it:
chapter one I complain at school, how boring it is, and that stink smell in the clothing room
chapter two is completey pointless and covers hayfever, a cute asian kid and traffic lights
chapter three doesn't concern you.

and i don't think it gets any more summarised than that.

Thanks readers, I know it was a long entry. But whatever, if you hate it, don't read it. If you're bored, go for it.


Cyndi said...

it really did smell like dog food.

and dr.yap xD
ahahahahah funny.

ALICE said...

you said you liked my hair :)
i dont think i will get a front fringe
i was thinking about growing it out altogether
i have had a fringe for 5 years, sick of it.
and i totally did answer, me and edmund are going to be dinos together. I LOVE YOU EDWARD. name name name (thats english for nom nom nom, translated from french )

Sarah Why said...

Junkie--> It smelt like milo. The only reason it smelt like dog food to you was because either you fed your dog milo which you admitted to ;), had a blocked or nose or it was being ghosted by the stink dead rodent thing in the clothing room air vent.
ALICE--> Hmm, yeah, I suppose fringes do get annoying after a while. Maybe you should grow it you can always cut it again if you wanted to.