Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alas! My phone is ddead :O

Who knew it could be this cold....even thought the heater is on? Hmm, it's so cold that I have pins and needles down my whole left arm, or maybe that's just the way I was sleeping. :/

It's thursday. *half hearted "yay"* and tomorrow it'll be friday....then saturday YAY :)

I just though I'd say: Twilight Stinks.
I've said it only a million times before but I'll say it again anyway :D

Things are spooky in the dark~
1. The Russian doll on my desk is giving me evil looks
2. I keep thinking that girl from the grudge is going to start following me, even thouh I haven't seen the movie.
3. I can creepy piani music drifting up the stairs (oh wait. that's just emily :/)
4. I see shadows moving, but it's only me -_-
5. I have an overeactive imagination and a tendency to overexaggerate in my blog :/

KiKiSTRiKE iS THE BEST :D Yayayayayaya.

And random object blauggas~~
Mil Bottle.

These things are useless. They break so darn easily, it's not wonder they invented the CARTON. whoever still uses milkbottles and gets the dude to deliver it....get a life. seriously, there are no room for glass-milk-bottle-using people in this world. they could be doing something much more valuable with their time, rather than scraping broken glass and spilt milk off the doorstep- like supporting greenpeace.....
And for the people that manfucatured the milk bottle lollies. HOWDAREYOU encourage the glass-milk-bottle-users?!?!?!?!?! And for your information-the lollies are disgusting. they taste like glue and flour. BLLLLLLEUUUGGHHH. YUck.
Once, at IGA I saw flavoured milk. In a glass bottle :O
Oh, the disgrace to the cows. Can you imagine YOUR MILK BEING SOLD IN A GLASS BOTTLE. Okay, that came out a little wrong. But still, that's not the point :/
Just don't buy glass milk bottles. Just don't do it :/
~ <--Squiggly :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quantum Physics

Doesn't my title sound so smart? I have no idea what quantum physics is, or if it even exists, it just sounds cool :)

Well now, happy Yi Jung? I "desperately" blogged again for you. I guess I should just be glad that somebody likes my blog enough to set it on the homepage tags :) Thanks :)

So, my life is so like...I dunno. It's good :) And a way. That way being school, dancing, piano, homework blah blah blah....

Supposed to be doing physics homework right now......but don't really get it -_-
Bleugh. <-- And that's my new word.

HmmmmMMMMMMM my room's still clean-can you believe it? It's been like a week and a half. Who knows, maybe I'm getting good at this :)

And somebody give me a good book to read....
And I need a new layout but I'm still blogging so it's no excuse Yi Jung.

Struggeling to find something to talk about. I know:
I'll tell you everything I know about peas from the top of my brain.
Ok....first of all, peas are vegetables. They are green. they are small and round.
they are NOT the same as corn. they don't taste as sweet and they don't grow on a cob. come to mention it, where DO peas grow from?? Aaah, a pea pod, right?
Peas taste foul in quiche so don't try it.
Chickpeas. Exactly what are they? Aren't they like little cold hard brown peas? I dunno. :/
There was a pea in the story "the princess and the pea" I think it's lame though.
Once I tried to get out of eating my peas by eating everything else and camoflouging them at the bottom of the bowl (bowl was kind of sick green-same colour)
So look at me. I'm like some kind of pea genius.

(That was fun. I think i'll rattle off about a random topic every blog :)

Cool thing I heard at church:
Man: Tell me all the secrets of the universe...
God: No, that knowledge is reserved only for me.
Man: Well then, tell me all the secrets of this peanut.
(The man then became very famous for all of his ingenius scientific research and products made from peanuts that were very beneficial to the human race)
It's a true story :) Just can't remember the guy's name.
How cool! =]

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Umm, excuse me Cyndi but I kind of have "stupid copper orangutang" highlights...but hahahah. it's so true. chestnut brown would look on you...hmm, I think?
Well, anyways, I'm just trying to grow my hair. Not going to bother about dyeing it again. well, i was planning to go black-blue on the summmmmer holidays, but just for fun :D
Yay, good for you, you're finally starting to read Harry Potter!!! :)
Well, I'd read it again, but I'm waiting to buy Kiki Strike 2, which FINALLY came into stock...(only been waiting for a year~~~stupid bookshop +_+)

and um,,,,with the time management. I HAVE TO FINISH MY ENGLISH STORY TODAY!!! AAAArragh. Ok, finish story today, clean room tomorrow, edit story tuesday and wednesday morning...hopefully that'd be enough :S

and gaaaah. i think I should start posting pics on my blog like cyndi does? maybe that might make it halfway interesting~~~

To Di List:
-Finish English story [ ]
-Edit the darn thing [ ]
-Clean room [ ]
-Update blog with pics and new layout [ ]
-Don't think about dancing which starts on Tuesday [ ]
-Don't think about your piano lesson tomorrow +_+ [ ]
-Learn to eat with chopsticks left handed :) [ ]
-BE NEAT [ ]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sqiggly :)
I fee like 2 minute noodles :P

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Somebody. Is. ANGRY >>>>>>>.<<<<<<<

i just spent an hour blogging a post.
and just as i was about to post.
SOMEBODY turned off the modem.

All the data= POOF! Gone.

You don't have any idea how mad I am right now.

They both deny it.
but the modem didn't turn itself of, did it?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I return!!!

Well...I'm back (:
Had a great time...only problem is I feel like I've put on like a gazillion kilos hahaha
Ahhh well :/

Now it's back to business...
can't believe I've still got to go to my piano lesson at 2:15 today +_+ euuuugggghhhh...

And still have that stupid english assignment :/
aaaaah. my story is so lame +_+

and the room. the stupid room.
mum saw it when i was away and, um, she...she...
nah, actually it wasn't that bad.
she's probably used to it by now *sigh*

well, at least I'm seeing Harry Potter tonight :)

Friday, July 10, 2009


Ew. I just swallowed down a cup of strawberry nesquik really fast and now I can still feel it...err, you know, sloshing around.
+_+ it's sick. i dont know why I just blogged that -_- but i did.

So...i think i definitely need a new layout/ i've been trying to find one for the last three months on n off but still haven't come up with anything -_- I'm just sick of that stupid piece of anger managementasied burnt piece of wheat and yeast, aka, the grumpy toast.
If anyone has any good sites I can visit then ya, tell me :)

And my room still looks like...ahhh, junk. maybe a disorganised garage sale of some sort. it's getting there.
well, at least my wardrobe is sort of halfway presentable :/

As for english??? Uhhhh....I'm having a little trouble. there's too muc to think about rather than stupid Alan Karrupa who got a bomb stuck to his head. is that even funny? I find it funny.
Not very clever but humorous to a certain extent.
Mrs teacher  would probably mark me an F for crude humour -_-

And went shopping last night. Nobody came with me though :(
So...well it was pretty boring like usual +_+
Bought hardly anything like usual +_+
what's the point of finding all this cash if I'm not gunna spend it??
oh riiight the french trip. better start saving for that :S

yeah, well i'd better GO.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Thurrrsssaday (:

Happy Happy Happy
Feel loads better today... =]
Annnyway, I'm still trying to clean up my room :/
I was thinking of hosting a clothes swap party since I have so much leftover stuff I never wear, and don't wanna waste it...ya.

Going to bussleton from sun-tues so probably won't be blogging then unless i can somehow get internet access, or use my dad's phone...
and we're cancelling our piano lesson hahahaha :) :) :)

>>>>>>and shopping today?
I reeeeeally want to read Kiki Strike; the empress' tomb, but it's STILL out of long do these book stores usually take anyways?

Reports. reports. reports.
Why are they taking so long to arrive? What time does the mail usually arrive?

Blah. my hair. i think the auntie was kinda like rebel hairdresser. she did my hair how SHE wanted it, not how I wanted.
oh well...i'll live baha.
She did a good job...i like anyways...somehow haha

Stupid room :/ I wish i was like Mary Poppins, or something...

Go duster. how pathetic. it's sitting right next to me :/

By the way, WHY did nds-roms close down?
now i have to download off the chinese site which i don't understand a word of.
at least cyndi had the heart to teach me what to do :)

and that's it for now. sorry, boring blog.
well they're gunna be until i clean up my stupid room!!!

does anyone know any good movies i can watch while cleaning?
aissssh, that'd just slow me down :/
never mind +_+


I'm back.

Turns out we actually have to do piano lessons after all -_-
thanks a lot-MUM :(

Ahhh well, looking on the brighter side :)
I found $200 while cleaning up!!!!!! Like AWWWWEESOMEEE :)woop! I'm rich!! I'm rich!!!!
I guess this is why I love cleaning up since I always find some forgotten cash...muhahahaha :))

Anyone want to come shopping with me?

-----And I'm back again (4:17pm)
I'm going shopping tonight, so the invitation's still open.....anyone?

Aissh, this cleaning room business is getting there I guess, haven't found any more cash though//haha

And the pile of clothes i'm planning to use for the party looks like a brown body bag inside my wardrobe haha
it's even shaped like a body +_+

and just rummaging through the clothes by the way...i always ask people not to buy me clothes for birthday, christmas..whatever, since blaaaaah how boring, but anyway, just for the reference
I'M A SIZE 10 (tops) and 12 (pants) NOT A 14 or 16!!!! OK, EVERYBODY buys me 14 and 16 stuff. i don't know how many times i have to tell you this..... -_- but 14 is slightly too big and 16 just makes me look like a hobo.
so yeah.
and then it's a six, not an 8 +_+
sheesh!! :/

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Cloudy Weather

Well. First of all yesterday was Kim Bum's birthday.
You know, we're all so over it but he's still kinda cute looking even if it is in a girly way (;

And I got my haircut too. The auntie that did it purposely cut my layers and fringe so short that I now look like an anime character that escaped from a Japanese manga :/ ahhh well, it'll grow by the time school starts. it's not really as long as it was but that'll grow too so no harm done (:
nearly all the highlights were cut off though, lol, but that's ok since i want it back to black

hmmmm, and while we were there at auntie elaine's place, i started picking glue off the table just for the fun of it. i dunno, don't ask i always just liked picking dried glue off things. it didn't really help that they looked like dried ginat boogers, especially the colour.
well, next thing i know the toddlers oscar and charmaine (i think that's their names and they're like 4 and 6 or something) are joining in.
and now apparently i'm guilty of being a bad influence, encouraging bad habits and teaching them the word "booger."
:/ oh dear.

and my room is still horrificulousterribleous :/
EEEUUGGGH. the deadline's sunday.
how the heck am i supposed to make it????

AND. we're going yum cha today.

and stupid english homework :/ i ran out of motivation ):

so there's my day for you all.
didn't even sleep properly +_+

btw cyndi. don't beat urself up (well u probably wouldnt have anyway) i dont think u made me sick. mum reckons its astha triggered >:( i've been trying to get sick alllll year...WHY on the holidays????? WHHHHHYYYY??!??!!??!?!?!

Why are they taking so long????
I need to know whether i flunked sport or not :Sa

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

So July 7

Well well well.
Starting to keep my promise, I just remembered about it +_+

Hmm, well let's see:

1. Harry Potter comes out next wednesday O.O
Yaaaaaaaay!!!! :D

2. I'm getting my haircut today :/ I wonder how THAT'S gunna turn out?
Apparently the aunty that's doing it wears hotpants, she's funny and very talented.
So I'm good :)

3. Yesss, me and bella have made a deal that we're trying to lose our cheese legs.
I don't see her problem. Her legs are nice and muscled, LOL. mine are much cheesier than hers :/
People stop trying to talk me out of it. I'm not dieting, and im not trying to lose weight.
Just tone up the cheese legs :S There's a difference!

Wii fit yoga is SO boring :/

4. The bruise on my left knee i got from ice skating is now about the same size and shape of a small fish. it's reallly dark purple/black.
i also hit my right ankle on something in my room and i think that's bruised as well :( i can't see a bruise yet but i can't walk normally.... -_- aish!!
And while playing catch with Alfred (aka Daniel the brother) I added another cut to my cuts collection and my lovely middle finger has a big fat cut on it.
tried spraying the spray on liquid bandaid but I don't think it's done anything yet :/

5. I'm currently obessed with this face

6. Even though we're all (sadly) over boys before flowers, I'm going to rewatch some episodes, I think. Nothing like a good dose of F4 to make me feel more motivated.

7. CYNDI I think you made me sick :( lol

Monday, July 06, 2009

So....welcome back :/

I solomly swear that..(i am up to no good),,,,no, that i will update every day
or at least try to
i really doubt that anybody's actually follows this (heyy maybe cyndi?) but yehhh, JUST DO IT ANYWAY< HARRIS__just do it!!!!!! So. it's holidays. what have i been up to? ummm. nothing much. let's see: 1. The room. Same old, same old. nothing really changes here. of course it still looks terrible :/ sstuff everywhere how on earth am i gunna clean it up by sunday (thats the deadline) =/ and plus i split teeth everywhere. yes, thats right. TEETH. oh my gosh, i kept my teeth when they fell out. that's so sick. everywhere on the floor there's all these little rank little white things. i mean they're clean, i brushed my teeth like a maniac but still :/ kinda gross ahaha. i think i was trying to get a million bucks from tooth fairy and forgot about it later or something, lol. i once had a dream in like year 2 that the tooth fairy left me this whole pile of jewels and beads so 2. the homework. a boy gets a present from his psychopathic ex girlfriend. its a bomb. tell me, is that funny?? 3/ ice skating WHY is it that i'm the only one to fall over??? WHY ME? why only me????? everyone thought it was hilarious :( according to one miss Aleisha Ferrari i fell no less than 7 times. stupid old man showing off stupid profeessional toddlers (we had to share ice with stuck up tiny tots) resulting injuries: about 3 bruises and 3 cuts. my head reaaaaly hurt afterwards but i never hit it on the ice me: "gosh mum , i think i'd remember if i smashed my head on the ice!" mum: "hahahahahahaha" me:....uh, oh.

4. Haircut
Ya know, i actually totally forgot about this until SOMEBODY (wink wink hint hint nudge nudge ahem,,,,) went off about HER hair now im starting to actually think about my hair which is not good. not good at all. i have more important things to concentrate on than stupid hair :/
guess i'll be doing the layers again =/ nothing special...
i hate my fringe. stupid middle parting,,,,!!!!!!!!

5. poached eggs and too much vinegar.
eugh :/ more like vinegar soup and burned tongue

6. wii.
transformers: oh gosh, this game is SO fun!!! u just sit there and blow up robots.
love the sideways level when u get to be the car ^^ can't wait to play more!
harry potter and the half blood prince: i'm sorry, i think the game sucks.
no where near as good as i expected..... :/

hahahaa, such a nerd i am ^^