Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quantum Physics

Doesn't my title sound so smart? I have no idea what quantum physics is, or if it even exists, it just sounds cool :)

Well now, happy Yi Jung? I "desperately" blogged again for you. I guess I should just be glad that somebody likes my blog enough to set it on the homepage tags :) Thanks :)

So, my life is so like...I dunno. It's good :) And a way. That way being school, dancing, piano, homework blah blah blah....

Supposed to be doing physics homework right now......but don't really get it -_-
Bleugh. <-- And that's my new word.

HmmmmMMMMMMM my room's still clean-can you believe it? It's been like a week and a half. Who knows, maybe I'm getting good at this :)

And somebody give me a good book to read....
And I need a new layout but I'm still blogging so it's no excuse Yi Jung.

Struggeling to find something to talk about. I know:
I'll tell you everything I know about peas from the top of my brain.
Ok....first of all, peas are vegetables. They are green. they are small and round.
they are NOT the same as corn. they don't taste as sweet and they don't grow on a cob. come to mention it, where DO peas grow from?? Aaah, a pea pod, right?
Peas taste foul in quiche so don't try it.
Chickpeas. Exactly what are they? Aren't they like little cold hard brown peas? I dunno. :/
There was a pea in the story "the princess and the pea" I think it's lame though.
Once I tried to get out of eating my peas by eating everything else and camoflouging them at the bottom of the bowl (bowl was kind of sick green-same colour)
So look at me. I'm like some kind of pea genius.

(That was fun. I think i'll rattle off about a random topic every blog :)

Cool thing I heard at church:
Man: Tell me all the secrets of the universe...
God: No, that knowledge is reserved only for me.
Man: Well then, tell me all the secrets of this peanut.
(The man then became very famous for all of his ingenius scientific research and products made from peanuts that were very beneficial to the human race)
It's a true story :) Just can't remember the guy's name.
How cool! =]

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