Friday, July 10, 2009


Ew. I just swallowed down a cup of strawberry nesquik really fast and now I can still feel it...err, you know, sloshing around.
+_+ it's sick. i dont know why I just blogged that -_- but i did.

So...i think i definitely need a new layout/ i've been trying to find one for the last three months on n off but still haven't come up with anything -_- I'm just sick of that stupid piece of anger managementasied burnt piece of wheat and yeast, aka, the grumpy toast.
If anyone has any good sites I can visit then ya, tell me :)

And my room still looks like...ahhh, junk. maybe a disorganised garage sale of some sort. it's getting there.
well, at least my wardrobe is sort of halfway presentable :/

As for english??? Uhhhh....I'm having a little trouble. there's too muc to think about rather than stupid Alan Karrupa who got a bomb stuck to his head. is that even funny? I find it funny.
Not very clever but humorous to a certain extent.
Mrs teacher  would probably mark me an F for crude humour -_-

And went shopping last night. Nobody came with me though :(
So...well it was pretty boring like usual +_+
Bought hardly anything like usual +_+
what's the point of finding all this cash if I'm not gunna spend it??
oh riiight the french trip. better start saving for that :S

yeah, well i'd better GO.

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