Monday, July 06, 2009

So....welcome back :/

I solomly swear that..(i am up to no good),,,,no, that i will update every day
or at least try to
i really doubt that anybody's actually follows this (heyy maybe cyndi?) but yehhh, JUST DO IT ANYWAY< HARRIS__just do it!!!!!! So. it's holidays. what have i been up to? ummm. nothing much. let's see: 1. The room. Same old, same old. nothing really changes here. of course it still looks terrible :/ sstuff everywhere how on earth am i gunna clean it up by sunday (thats the deadline) =/ and plus i split teeth everywhere. yes, thats right. TEETH. oh my gosh, i kept my teeth when they fell out. that's so sick. everywhere on the floor there's all these little rank little white things. i mean they're clean, i brushed my teeth like a maniac but still :/ kinda gross ahaha. i think i was trying to get a million bucks from tooth fairy and forgot about it later or something, lol. i once had a dream in like year 2 that the tooth fairy left me this whole pile of jewels and beads so 2. the homework. a boy gets a present from his psychopathic ex girlfriend. its a bomb. tell me, is that funny?? 3/ ice skating WHY is it that i'm the only one to fall over??? WHY ME? why only me????? everyone thought it was hilarious :( according to one miss Aleisha Ferrari i fell no less than 7 times. stupid old man showing off stupid profeessional toddlers (we had to share ice with stuck up tiny tots) resulting injuries: about 3 bruises and 3 cuts. my head reaaaaly hurt afterwards but i never hit it on the ice me: "gosh mum , i think i'd remember if i smashed my head on the ice!" mum: "hahahahahahaha" me:....uh, oh.

4. Haircut
Ya know, i actually totally forgot about this until SOMEBODY (wink wink hint hint nudge nudge ahem,,,,) went off about HER hair now im starting to actually think about my hair which is not good. not good at all. i have more important things to concentrate on than stupid hair :/
guess i'll be doing the layers again =/ nothing special...
i hate my fringe. stupid middle parting,,,,!!!!!!!!

5. poached eggs and too much vinegar.
eugh :/ more like vinegar soup and burned tongue

6. wii.
transformers: oh gosh, this game is SO fun!!! u just sit there and blow up robots.
love the sideways level when u get to be the car ^^ can't wait to play more!
harry potter and the half blood prince: i'm sorry, i think the game sucks.
no where near as good as i expected..... :/

hahahaa, such a nerd i am ^^

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