Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dizz Royalty :)

Not that I'm counting on there to be any, but if there are any guys on this page, don't even bother reading this. You can tell by the pictures that it's going to send you to lalala snooze land.
Alright women, I think I've decided to start uploading photos onto my blog because it does look slightly empty. You can thank Cindy and Becca for that influence, ho ho ho.

So today I start ranting off about these dudes here:
Uhm, the ladies I mean :)

Dayum. The reason that picture is touching the edge of the smiley face, is because I can't figure out how to move it down -_- So there's inexperience for you. Annnyway, I'll stop blabbing about stupid things and get down to business. If you can call it that...

So these are all Disney princesses, except NONE of them were actually originally created by the Disney studios, or whatever, what they're still cool. Some of them, anyway. I'm pretty sure at some point we all wanted to be one of them.

Snow White:
(Ressurection with a kiss number one)
I've always though her voice was really annoying, that she was stupid for eating that apple and believing her dreams would come true and that she was horribly mean to the dwarves by ditching them as soon as she got kissed by that Prince guy, but oh well.
By far, she's disney princess who has impacted the most on my life. I remember loving snow white for about a year as a kid, and then getting this snow white dress. I wore it for my 7th birthday party, even though it was GIGANTIC. I wore it with poise and dignity, even though it had to be taken up and had about 20 saftey pins in it, plus I had a killer stomach ache that day :/
However, little did I know, that four years from the day, in a little old room, the Snow White would be called upon again. In her sequel~ SNow White II starring Snow White and Prince Black, purpose: make sick kids at PMH laugh. Possibly the lamest, but most awesome production ever, I actually think we did pretty well. Teacher told me we got 2nd/3rd place or something, but she might just have been being nice (or I have a terrible memory)
Or that one year from then; someone would need it for their drama play? It was great, but they never ended up using it. But the dress's glory didn't end there...
No it had one more "spectacular" appearance. Dress up night. That's at the group of 4-9 year olds (like a miniature youth) at my church on Friday nights that I go to help out with. Hmm, so I turn up wearing my insanely awesome dress, only to find that some other cute little kid was wearing the exact same thing- about 10 sizes smaller. Of course I didn't feel ridiculed at all, why on earth should I?
And, finally, for those who haven't already seen it: go watch the Cantonese version of the Disney Snow White. Pricelessly hilarious :)

Hehehe, I think of Cinderella, the midget and the holy shortbread. My very first blockbuster film =)
Honestly, I've always found Cinderella to be a big sook. Why sit around dreaming and let others push you around? Why sob about not being able to go to the ball, when she was home alone; aka, perfect opportunity to nick some of the stepsisters' stuff and make a run? And...WHY RUN AWAY AT MIDNIGHT? Where there iron chains pulling her away? No. Just a magic spell, and so what if she was standing there in front of the prince in her raggety tattetedy outfit? I don't think the prince would have given a damn, he would've just laughed.
"ho ho ho ho. you are a very good dancer, servant girl." and then he would have married her and saved everyone a load of trouble. But then Cinderella 3, which takes place before Cinderella 2, was actually good ^^ Haha, I remember watching a while back and was like "WOW. Cinderella can actually be cool, you know?"

Drama play; term 2 2008. We turned Ariel into a bit of a brat... ho ho ho. What fun. I still have the costume ;)
Well, I think Ariel's pretty awesome :) I like her character, how she's curious and not afraid of danger, but still...has she never heard of sign language??? Or writing down her dilemma on paper so other people can read it? I'll never understand why these Disney girls do things the hard way all the time. Her friends are cool; Sebastian, FLounder and Scuttle :)
I'm pretty sure the little mermaid is an adaption from the Hans Christian Anderson story The Little Mermaid. Except when I read the orginal, I was like "HUH???" Because the little mermaid did not get her happily ever after. She wanted to have a soul (apparently mermaids don't have souls??) and the only way she could get one was to make a human prince fall in love with her. so she goes to this witch who trades her voice for human legs. Oh, and when the little mermaid walked on land, it felt like a thousand daggers piercing her feet- nice huh? Well, anyway, the prince was going to marry someone else, which made it impossible for her to get that soul, so her mermaid sisters help her by giving her knife and saying that if she stabbed the prince's heart, she would be able to return to her mermaid life. But instead, the little mermaid kills herself because she can't bear to kill her beloved prince. The end.
Coming soon in futuristic blogs: The rest of the principessas and a la prince charming :D

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

I had this chinese book of the little mermaid and that's what happened. i thought it was weird coz the mermaid died at the end instead of living happily ever after like in the disney version. SO THAT'S WHY!