Sunday, November 08, 2009


After returning from an hour and a half long string concert, I'm pretty sure I have just proven that it is physically impossible to die of boredom. BAHG, I think I actually slept through it. The last thing I remember was this little primary kid (most of them were primary kids) playing the cancan reeeaaallly sllloooowwwwllly. And then I think I must have dozed off because I don't remember any of the in between stuff, although I woke up in time to see the last 2 solo performers. And, to top it all off, I got a nice glimpse of the music teacher about 2 metres away from me, oh my GOODNESS she better not have seen me sleeping...
Just lucky for me the woman next to me was too busy watching the kids to notice me. I think. Aargh, damnit, it's not my fault I'm tired -_-

And I would also like to say that my eye doctor is a big fat liar. He told me that the daily contacts disintegrate if you leave them. Well they don't. I just left them lying around assuming they would disintegrate, and 8 months later, what do I find? Scattered pieces of shrivelled transparent circles blueish plastic all over my room. What a sham, dude :(

1 comment:

Cyndi said...

AHAHHAA i tested out the 'boredom kills.' , doesn't work. i am still alive! hurrah! SURPRISE SURPRISE. and bored.