Thursday, December 31, 2009

The end

Today is the last day of 2009, and OK, this might come as surprise for you all since I haven't told anyone yet: today is also the last day of Random Blah Blahs :'(

So go ahead, I'll give you all a moment to cry, mourn and be shocked ;)

Errrr...or celebrate that this dreadful blog is ending because everytime you saw it you dearly wanted to rip your eyes out? (though I'm not too particularly keen on that one)





Take your time....






ALRIGHT alright it's not quite the dead end :D
Starting next year, you can find me at:
or just hit my profile look under my blogs section

New year, new blog. Let's call it Chapter 2 (:

Twenty Ten :o
Of course I'll be far more mature, polite and sophisticated and so will my writing

(ahahaha. not -_____- )
and if you feel like shooting back to the past, Random Blahs Blahs will still be around for you to..admire :D

So tomorrow, go take a look, and start following my next blog (well it's completely up to you -_-)

The irrelevant awaits you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


GOSH. Don't you just HATE it when somebody goes and destroys you childhood mementoes when it has NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM and it wasn't hurting them in any way??

BAH. Ok, in year 2 or something I got this crab sticker for being the first student to get 100% in a spelling test, or some other kind of little kid academic achievement. Or it might have been for something lousy like sitting up straight with my arms folded and legs crossed, I don't remember. I just remember I got that crab sticker for an achievement in school when I was little.
AND it wasn't just one of those 2d sucky stickers that peel off whatever you stick them on the next day. It was made of foam and the crab was red with orange claws and it had those awesome googly craft eyes that moved when you shook them.
I was thrilled. When I got home, I stuck it on my light switch (okok, so it's a weird place to stick a trophy sticker but that's what I did) I had one of those big light switch things so there was loads of room for a crab sticker.
Anyway, the crab stayed there for a couple of years when it finally fell of and curled up and pretty much died, it was so old. And I chucked it in the bin. It was sad. BUT despite the fact that the crab was gone, its longering presence remained - a dark crab shaped smudge of dirt on the light switch pad. You know when you stick a sticker somewhere, and where you peel it off, it leaves that mark? Sometimes you get the mark with glue as well. Anyway, the point being that the crab was gone, but it's memory - a sticky crab shaped dirt patch - remained.


Today mum took the honours of spraying the light switch pad with windex and wiping off the crab mark. And now it's as clean and blank as a normal light switch pad. Way to go mum, destroy my precious memories, why not? -______-

I'm not happy. Not happy at all.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


While reading through old blog entries, I realized that somewhere along the way I promised to write about lost cats in Burma? Really, that was random of me to stick up...what was I thinking? Hmm, so I might as well follow through on that promise:

Once upon a time there was a mangy cat called Pad-Tai (don't give me evil looks, I'm hungry, all right?). She was a loner and wondered the streets of Burma all alone (because she was a loner, you see -___- ), in search of food. One day, PT (that's Pad-Tai abbreviated by the way) saw a green mouse (don't ask why it was green, it just was) and she chased it all the way down the dark alleyway when she caught it and ate it....and then the curse of the green mouse was unleashed upon PT who was doomed to turn green and forced to roam Burma to do the bidding of the one and only evil master of the king of Green Mouses (mice, my bad :/ ).....and what the heckk.....

This is getting really lame now...if someone wants me to finish it, just let me know. Otherwise, I'll just do you all a favour and stop right now -____-

Friday, December 25, 2009


Well, Merry Christmas to you all, today is Christmas day- WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Wishing everyone an awesome day =)

So anyway, I opened a couple of presents this morning :D
Hohoho, and this whole day we're going to be chocked up with family gathering togetherers things.

This morning we switched on the TV and hey, guess what? I watched some of hi-5. All I can say is WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT SHOW??? None of the original members are left, and now all they have is a bunch of cheesey try hard imitations. Seriously, it would've been better for them just to close down the show rather than continuing it with a pack of newbies, I reckon. First of all, the new Kathleen? Whatever her name is, has an aweful singing voice. It sounds like her voice wants to break any second. And then she holds up this piece of yellow sponge (that chup chup left on the table) and was like "oh! look at this! the mousey left some cheese!" I'm not sure even five year olds are going to fall for that, non-Kathleen...

And then the non-Tim? He looks freakishly similar to the old Tim except he was doing this ridiculous segment on snowflakes. Dude, in case nobody noticed, IT DOESN'T SNOW IN AUSTRALIA RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDDLE OF SUMMER >.<>
At least we got our morning of laughs, anyway. I feel so sorry for the little children of today for having to put up with such rubbish on TV.

And right now, as I blog (preparing for lunch at our place, relatives should be arriving in about an our) we're watching our Merlin box DVD set.
Hmm, that show is so corny. I wonder why I like it so much?

"Berbay odothat arisan quickem!" xD

Thursday, December 24, 2009


You know, the other day I discovered that Ferrero Rocher (you know, the chocos that are in the posh wrapping things) made other types of chocolates apart from the normal gold and brown packet nut ones. I suppose I am kind of slow in the area, like I got really surprised when I discovered honeycomb and strawberry tim tams, but it's just kind of like "what's wrong with the original?" The companies are probably just out to make more money because the original was a success so now they have to make a million different flavours to get the cash rolling. Which is a really big pain, because now, when you ask someone to go out and buy some tim tams, they come back with some foreign swiss chocolate type crunchy centre tim tam that you'd never even heard of when all you wanted WAS THE GOOD OLD NORMAL STUFF. Take twisties for example. The normal ones are fine. But seriously, the chicken twisties? Eugh. ANyone who's tried them will know what I mean. I know it's all a matter of personal opinion, but they are foul. And as my mum always says, "If you're going to get fat, you might as well get fat on the good stuff." Meaning consume Lindt, not Caramello Koalas.

However, and I guess now I'm going back on everything I just said, Ferrero Rondnoir - dark chocolate Ferrero Rocher is... so good! o.O My poor deprived tastebuds (there, I quote Maddison) have never before tasted such... yum stuff. And I'm not a fan of dark or nutty chocolate (Rondnoir has no nuts actually...uhh, that just sounded a little wrong. eh heh) and I know the picture of Rondnoir on the box makes it look like some undead sea monster clamshell thing, but it taste so good. I'd buy you all a box for Christmas, but I don't really think I have enough money for that so, as a Christmas treat, I'm reccomending it.

Oh, and I finally finished cleaning my room this morning. Cheers for me! (woop! woop! woop!)

The tree is almost up, and Christmas is tomorrow!

You know, things really don't get much better than right now :D

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sitting under aircon ^^

Wow, time sure goes fast.
It really doesn't feel like 2 and a half years since I first started blogging. Haha, but of course, I think I've deleted the blog I wrote when I was 12 hahaha. Very strange things I wrote, indeed.

Well, I've just taken a look around the place and our Christmas tree isn't up -___- Am I really the only one who hasn't got it up yet?

And I still have to clean my room. The deadline is Christmas, but I'm just far too lazy to too it =___= Maybe I should hire a maid.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Well, I'm back! In case anyone was wondering if I'd died or something, I haven't. Just endured a two week laptop ban (aarh, the difficulties I've been through -____- ) so if you want someone to blame for the lack of contact and blogs, go send hate mail to my mum. (No, only kidding, don't do it!)

So, I'm sure a lot's been happening that I haven't caught up with. Would anyone like to fill me in?

Hahaha, today I'm going to a christmas party :D
Can't believe Christmas is in 4 days! :O
Wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year.

isn't it so cheesy and unimaginative? I think everyone writes that as an auto-message when they can't think of anything else. I think 'merry christmas and a happy new year' is printed on at least a billion cards worldwide. I suppose some people might hate its lack of personal touch and people's laziness at not being able to come up with anything better, however others probably appreciated the simple sincerity and warmth of the message combines with the fact that the quote 'merry christmas and a happy new year' is a life saver for the almost illiterate or for those kinds of people who stare at a blank card for half an hour trying to come up with something half decent...

(aaaahh. Just rediscovered the joys of listening to the sound of the keyboard key things going click click when I type ^^
Emily: Woah, you type fast.
hohhohohohohoho :D )

Thursday, December 03, 2009


I know I said I wouldn't blog until the holidays began, but then - what do you do when you find you've got an extra ten minutes or so on your hands? Oh yeah, that's right - BLOG.
So here's some of that cool stuff to feast your eyes on.

Green (with purple spots) Dinofish sticker vs Pink (with purple splodges) T-rex sticker
It was kinda one those "you-had-to-be-there" moments, but it was so brilliant, I'll just have to document it as best as I can.
Cindy: RAWR. I have a pink dinosaur and it's much better than you're stupid green dinosaur!
Emily: No way - my GREEN dinofish is WAY COOLER than that PINK thing!
Cindy: No, pink is way better than GREEN.
Emily: Errrr.....GREEN all the way!
Cindy: Well - yours has horrible disgusting RED DOTS all over it, how gross!
Emily: They're not red! They're purple! And they're perfect round circles - not all deformed purple splats like yours!
Cindy: Well- well my PINK T-REX is still better! I mean, look - it's a T-REX! Everybody loves T-rexes! All yours does is eat vegetables~
Emily: Exactly! My dinofish is a VEGETARIAN while your pink T-rex is going aroung EATING PEOPLE. IT KILLS PEOPLE.
Cindy: RAaaawwRRR!
Emily: RRRRRAAaaawwwrrrrrrRRR!
Of course, it was much funnier. I just have a bad memory right now.
Thankyou, Cindy O and Emily D for the best form class I think I've ever had, and to Rebecca, for providing the dino-stickers which spun off such great entertainment.

Well, all I can say is GOOD RIDDANCE to those stupid mesh stockings - fat lot of good they did! They failed in holding in leg fat (*cringe*) and only made your legs look even FATTER by adding an extra layer under the tan stockings -____-
Surprisingly, my ring didn't fly off in the middle of the single ladies dance and knock out/kill some poor innocent like the time I accidentally threw a streamer and it whackes some 10 year old in the head during Finale.
Took some photos, hohohoho. For some reason, the photographer kept rearranging the set right before he took our photos, both times. I feel special!
And, of course, the rant. She kept it short this year, about half an hour, I suppose. The usual telling offs: wispy hair, not enough makeup, exposed bra straps and other costume issues. She traumatised about 3 children by asking them to stand and showing the entire theatre exactly what was wrong with that poor kid's costune/hair/makeup. I resorted to flicking sequins around on stage at the person in front of me.

I honestly cannot believe I missed all the action - I'm SO disappointed! Of all days this could have happened - it had to happen on the day when I wasn't there! Since I'd left early to go to the dress rehearsal, a 'suspicious package' was sent to the school, and later than night, it was blown up by police. The school went under a lockdown too. Just my luck.
Of course, it can be looked at that I'm a protector of the school, haha, and an hour after I leave, someone tries to destroy the school!
Or, as Alice so kindly put it, she reckons it was me that sent it in the first place -____- Nice going, you suspicious minded twerp.

Paired up with Rin. Made a 12cm tall, very twisted and wonky spaghetti and marshmallow tower. Failed in winning, but succeeded on rebelliously snacking on building materials :D
Well, at least we beat Ashleigh&Rebecca and Jang&Emily, hohohoho (:

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Happy December

To all my loyal "fans" and blogreaders

I'm sorry I've failed you these last few weeks, but I promise you, I have very good reasons, which may or may not be explained sooner or later. The blogs will start rolling again the first day of the holidays, ok (and that's Monday, for all your slowpokes)? Then you can look forward to more random stuff like lost cats in Burma. In the meantime, I'd just like to wish you all a happy December 1st (pinch punch first day of the month, no returns - somehow cyber bullying by cyber punching doesn't really give off a great effect -____- ) and to announce that today is officially the first day of summer. Meaning that Spring is OVER. YEAH (:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon

Guess what came out at midnight this morning/last night?

Guess who really doesn't give a stuff?

Who went to see it at 12:01 and came back to school raving?

Who are my top 5 twihard people?

And guess why mum picked me up half an hour late from school?

I'm not thrilled at all -_-

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You want the abs? Here's a pencil and an eraser...

Wow, they can't even afford to take photos of two completely different people to stick on here. Instead, they have to DRAW it in. Now that, my friends, is sad.
6 in the morning, I feel woozy, hohoho.
Somebody please trial Wii fit plus and tell me if it's any good?
ps. Can you die from lack of sleep? I'm sure you can. Loads of people have died trying to break the Guiness world record for longest time gone without sleep, haven't they? JiHoo disagrees. I'm going to prove her wrong :) Somebody back me up.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Prince Charming

“Some day my prince will come” – Snow White. I hate to break it to you, but I think that that theory must have been proven wrong at least a trillion times.

Maybe us girls should have something better to do than pining over ‘the one.’ I wonder what makes Prince Charming tick anyway? The looks, the smile (always white teeth – what do they use?), the mannerisms...what is it?? Let’s take a look, hey? (Oh, and when I say, us girls, I don’t really mean everyone, nor myself. I have better things to do than drool over guys. Like blog about why we shouldn’t, for example)

Old School
Name: Prince Charming.
Year: 1950
No one really likes this particular Prince Charming, since he only appears for a short time in the Cinderella movie (hang on, no, there’s actually a bit more of him in Cinderella 3 when he stops being such a pretty boy, but anyway, moving on...) but since the guy’s name is officially “Prince Charming” I think he’s set standards as the Prince Charming type of person that the fairytales girls want. Standards as in charming: Charming looks, charming smile, charming personality. If you get I mean. I don’t know, maybe I’m just confusing myself?

New School

Name: Edward Cullen
Year: 2005
I can guarantee that if Alice is reading this, she’d be currently either screaming of excitement, or crying of happiness. Because this, this is what OCD does to people! So I think Edward qualifies as a modern day prince charming: Charming vampire looks, charming crooked smile, charming love obsessed personality...check, check, check. I mean, I suppose that depends who you ask. Don’t ask me, because you know you won’t like the answer. But anyway, aside from the whole “I want to drink your blood,” “I stalk you” and “I am so overly protective of you, you never need to worry about hurting your pretty little face again” thing, maybe he might just be okay. Maybe. But anyways, let’s look at the effects of Yearning For Prince Charming (Y4PC, ok?)

PRO: You can always hope that Prince Charming comes. It’s good to have hope. Hope drives people through hard times. Hope is a light in the dark. Hope brings happiness when you’re miserable.
CON: Did you ever hear of wishful thinking? Or of crushed hopes? When Prince Charming never shows up, then you’re going doooowwwwn.
“My life is a graveyard of buried hopes.” – Anne Shirley. Anne of Green Gables.
CON: Prince charming standards make life a lot more difficult for the not quite as charming lads. And do they really deserve to be continuously overshadowed by some fictional dope? I don’t think so.
CON: Yearning for prince charming will cloud up your mind, waste a lot of time, take over you like a drug, and destroy your life.

And so that concludes this entry. Ho ho ho, maybe I should start councelling sessions, to help girls break free of Y4PC? Heh heh.

“Prince Charming is an ass.” – Cindy O

Monday, November 16, 2009

Disney Princesses II

Continuation of previous blog entry Dizz Royalty. If you don't know how to read it, just scroll down. If you don't know how to read, then I'm sorry, but I can't help you.

So, after reading that, I continue with Aurora, Belle, Jasmine and Mulan.

Hair as gold as sunshine, blah blah blah. You know, I once had a sleeping beauty barbie doll that had a switch on her back, and it controlled her eyes which opened and shut. And she also came with this little pillow that played the theme song when you pressed it in the middle. I think Aurora’s not much good, to be honest. For starters, she was raised by three good fairies – and I’m pretty sure the whole 16 years she lived with them, she had no idea they were actually fairies. And then next, she falls in love with this random stranger she met ‘once upon a dream’ and then cries because she is already arranged to marry some other total stranger and then gets hypnotized and pricks her finger on a spinning wheel and falls asleep for about an hour (as opposed to 100 years) before being kissed (ps. Resurrection with a kiss #2) and living happily ever after.
You also can’t help noticing that she is the princess with the most names. Aurora, Sleeping Beauty and Rose or Briar Rose. Either she was very important, or her parents just couldn’t make up their minds. She has so many identities, I’d bet Jason Bourne would love to be her for a day.

I always liked Belle. Probably because she was smart, and brave, and kind and she could see past looks. But, on the other hand, Beauty and the beast is just the teensiest bit impossible. It would be like if Megan Fox fell for Taylor Lautner in wolf form... and that would be just wrong. But anyway, Belle was sometimes over curious (if someone 7 foot tall furry beast with fangs told you to stay out of the west wing, would it really kill you just to do what you’re told?) but other than that, I think she was cool. I love her hair and the yellow dress. I used to have a belle dress. There’s a picture of me in it in my mum’s room, ho ho ho.

(AAAArgh!!! Pics not working anymore??!!!)

I liked Jasmine too, because she stood up for herself and refused to be pushed around, and in the end, got her little happily ever after. I think she’s gotten the prettiest Disney princess eyes, since most of the rest are all drawn the same. Yah, so thumbs up for Jasmine! Oh, and she’s a good actress...I think. I mean, if an animated cartoon can be a good actress. Except what happened to her voice in Aladdin 2? It went high and creepy like *shudder*

Fa Mulan:
I saved the best for last J
Mulan is the awesomest Disney girl, and even though she isn’t a princess, she still rocks. I mean come on, she set a matchmaker on fire, she dressed as a dude to take her dad’s place, she trained in the army, she climbed to the top of a huge pole, she fought for her country, caused an avalanche, robbed an evil guy of victory, and saved the whole of china by strapping the villain to a set of fireworks. Seriously, you just don’t get any cooler than that!
However, it’s based on a true story I think, except the real Mulan died in battle L

So... a vote now! Who’s YOU’RE favourite of the lot?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dizz Royalty :)

Not that I'm counting on there to be any, but if there are any guys on this page, don't even bother reading this. You can tell by the pictures that it's going to send you to lalala snooze land.
Alright women, I think I've decided to start uploading photos onto my blog because it does look slightly empty. You can thank Cindy and Becca for that influence, ho ho ho.

So today I start ranting off about these dudes here:
Uhm, the ladies I mean :)

Dayum. The reason that picture is touching the edge of the smiley face, is because I can't figure out how to move it down -_- So there's inexperience for you. Annnyway, I'll stop blabbing about stupid things and get down to business. If you can call it that...

So these are all Disney princesses, except NONE of them were actually originally created by the Disney studios, or whatever, what they're still cool. Some of them, anyway. I'm pretty sure at some point we all wanted to be one of them.

Snow White:
(Ressurection with a kiss number one)
I've always though her voice was really annoying, that she was stupid for eating that apple and believing her dreams would come true and that she was horribly mean to the dwarves by ditching them as soon as she got kissed by that Prince guy, but oh well.
By far, she's disney princess who has impacted the most on my life. I remember loving snow white for about a year as a kid, and then getting this snow white dress. I wore it for my 7th birthday party, even though it was GIGANTIC. I wore it with poise and dignity, even though it had to be taken up and had about 20 saftey pins in it, plus I had a killer stomach ache that day :/
However, little did I know, that four years from the day, in a little old room, the Snow White would be called upon again. In her sequel~ SNow White II starring Snow White and Prince Black, purpose: make sick kids at PMH laugh. Possibly the lamest, but most awesome production ever, I actually think we did pretty well. Teacher told me we got 2nd/3rd place or something, but she might just have been being nice (or I have a terrible memory)
Or that one year from then; someone would need it for their drama play? It was great, but they never ended up using it. But the dress's glory didn't end there...
No it had one more "spectacular" appearance. Dress up night. That's at the group of 4-9 year olds (like a miniature youth) at my church on Friday nights that I go to help out with. Hmm, so I turn up wearing my insanely awesome dress, only to find that some other cute little kid was wearing the exact same thing- about 10 sizes smaller. Of course I didn't feel ridiculed at all, why on earth should I?
And, finally, for those who haven't already seen it: go watch the Cantonese version of the Disney Snow White. Pricelessly hilarious :)

Hehehe, I think of Cinderella, the midget and the holy shortbread. My very first blockbuster film =)
Honestly, I've always found Cinderella to be a big sook. Why sit around dreaming and let others push you around? Why sob about not being able to go to the ball, when she was home alone; aka, perfect opportunity to nick some of the stepsisters' stuff and make a run? And...WHY RUN AWAY AT MIDNIGHT? Where there iron chains pulling her away? No. Just a magic spell, and so what if she was standing there in front of the prince in her raggety tattetedy outfit? I don't think the prince would have given a damn, he would've just laughed.
"ho ho ho ho. you are a very good dancer, servant girl." and then he would have married her and saved everyone a load of trouble. But then Cinderella 3, which takes place before Cinderella 2, was actually good ^^ Haha, I remember watching a while back and was like "WOW. Cinderella can actually be cool, you know?"

Drama play; term 2 2008. We turned Ariel into a bit of a brat... ho ho ho. What fun. I still have the costume ;)
Well, I think Ariel's pretty awesome :) I like her character, how she's curious and not afraid of danger, but still...has she never heard of sign language??? Or writing down her dilemma on paper so other people can read it? I'll never understand why these Disney girls do things the hard way all the time. Her friends are cool; Sebastian, FLounder and Scuttle :)
I'm pretty sure the little mermaid is an adaption from the Hans Christian Anderson story The Little Mermaid. Except when I read the orginal, I was like "HUH???" Because the little mermaid did not get her happily ever after. She wanted to have a soul (apparently mermaids don't have souls??) and the only way she could get one was to make a human prince fall in love with her. so she goes to this witch who trades her voice for human legs. Oh, and when the little mermaid walked on land, it felt like a thousand daggers piercing her feet- nice huh? Well, anyway, the prince was going to marry someone else, which made it impossible for her to get that soul, so her mermaid sisters help her by giving her knife and saying that if she stabbed the prince's heart, she would be able to return to her mermaid life. But instead, the little mermaid kills herself because she can't bear to kill her beloved prince. The end.
Coming soon in futuristic blogs: The rest of the principessas and a la prince charming :D

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Now I know I'm losing it...

Some fluffbrain stuff I've done over this past week~
1. Played music on youtube and couldn't understand why I wasn't hearing anything. Spent like 10 minutes trying to fix it before realizing that the problem was that I hadn't put the earphone thing in my ear :/
2. Got in the shower intending to wash my hair and realizing that I'd pinned it up and put a showercap on.
3. Washed my hair with lux shimmering sea (scroll down for blog entry about the stink shimmering sea)
4. Looked at science teacher blankly, resulting in that expression in which she then says "Oh, you do not know. Oh some of you have not done your homework...blah blah blah."
5. Looked at dancing teacher blankly, resulting in another threat to amputate my arms (that's about 7 this year) and *yell yell yell*ARMS"
6. Looked at piano teacher blankly, not clever of me at all -_-
7. Gotten up at 8am. Now I'm tired ***yaaawwwnn*

And then I was wondering. I have this bunch of nicknames, that people seem to use one or the other and don't seem to understand what the meaning of them are. So just to clear it up for all you people:

Harris: I got this in 2004 when some frieds and I were being cool. Harris was Haras, but that looked like Harass; so I changed it. Harris just stuck. I like it.

Woobin: The ultimately awesome Korean drama BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS features the 'f4' a group of 4 dudes that Cindy, Rebecca, Faith and I named ourselves after. Of course, I got woobin because no one else wanted to be him, but then after that, I came to realize that WooBin is pretty much way cooler than the other f4 ho ho ho. This is also the reason I call Faith "jihoo," coz that's her character. she's way over it but it's kinda gotten into a habit.

Jake: I don't even know how I got this. All I know is that once I was talking to Anaya on msn and I replied "sure sure" and she was like "AAAAHH YOU'RE JUST LIKE JACOB BLACK!!!" and then she decided that I was a jerk and started calling me Jake. And now her mates are doing it too -_- Just to get one thing straight - I hate Twilight. Therefore that makes me a twilight athiest. I don't believe in Edward Cullen and I CERTAINLY don't believe in Jacob Black, because he's a sicko. So they didn't name me after Jake because I thought he had a neat 8 pack or whatever.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Day gone by. 3 weeks and 1 day left of school :)

Form 0850
I think there's something seriously wrong with my eyes. Not only are my eyes minus 4.5 and 4.25, only allowing me to see clearly up until about 30 cm away, I seem to have kind of freak REM. I can't close my eyes and keep them still. No matter how hard I try, they flutter and's so weird. Ask if you want to see my cool/unhuman eye shivering trick :)
Hey, do you think I could make it to Cirque de Soleil with it?

Media 1250
I♥1ton rocks this world!!!
If blogspot doesn't work like myspace (which hahaha sucks) and turn that & hearts; into a heart, then I'm just gonna look like a total loser, aren't I?

Maths 1410
Bella. I could hear your grandma voice for the whole time. Hahaha. FUnny.
Jang--> "When is the baby...coming...out?"

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thanks a lot for the pen tattoo, Alice. Now "I love Twilight" won't come off my arm, and it's red :/

Ah, sigh, trying to teach Jang Cantonese. Cindy reckons I'm teaching her the 'bad stuff.'
eg. Jang *bad accent*: BEEN GOH FONG PAY?? (who farted)
ahem. She actually asked first ;)

Remberance day today. Let's not forget all our aussies that died in WWI. RIP.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fat and Brains, dude.

Today at the end of tap class, our dance group is awarded with mesh stockings. For those of you who don't know what they are, they're like fishnets but the holes are much smaller and the wearing a pair is TIGHT UNCOMFORTABLE and leaves mini diamonds all over your legs. Well anyway, we're supposed to be wearing these mesh stockings under our tan ones during both of our dances in the concert. Would anyone like to stab a guess at why?
Answer: So that we keep our legs looking slim and 'together' and without leg flubber going everywhere. Is this our teacher indirectly saying "GOSH YOU'RE FAT GO LOSE SOME WEIGHT!!!" ? Gee, thanks a lot for the confidence boost!

First brain bee meeting thing. teacher hands out 60 page booklet.
Oh yeah, sure I can memorise the entire thing. NO PROBLEM at all -_-

Monday, November 09, 2009

The pain of beauty. sheesh.

Ow. When those peel off facial mask things say leave on for no longer than ten minutes, they actually mean it. I have just had the unpleasant experience of slapping on some bioclear masky stuff and forgetting all about it. When I went to brush my teeth, I realized I still had it on. And then I tried to peel it off, IT WOULDN'T COME OFF. Removal proccess = very painful and red. if my face is red at school tomorrow, it's not sunburn. It was just me being an idiot and forgetting all about the mask -_- It was like it had sucked and moulded itself to my face or something --> just like in that goosebumps book!!! Goosebumps series is actually pretty lame, boring, unscary and with lame stupid endings...I dunno why anyone would bother reading them . Well anyway, just shouting out to you all that you should be careful. Those facial mask instructions and time limits are there for a reason.

Sunday, November 08, 2009


After returning from an hour and a half long string concert, I'm pretty sure I have just proven that it is physically impossible to die of boredom. BAHG, I think I actually slept through it. The last thing I remember was this little primary kid (most of them were primary kids) playing the cancan reeeaaallly sllloooowwwwllly. And then I think I must have dozed off because I don't remember any of the in between stuff, although I woke up in time to see the last 2 solo performers. And, to top it all off, I got a nice glimpse of the music teacher about 2 metres away from me, oh my GOODNESS she better not have seen me sleeping...
Just lucky for me the woman next to me was too busy watching the kids to notice me. I think. Aargh, damnit, it's not my fault I'm tired -_-

And I would also like to say that my eye doctor is a big fat liar. He told me that the daily contacts disintegrate if you leave them. Well they don't. I just left them lying around assuming they would disintegrate, and 8 months later, what do I find? Scattered pieces of shrivelled transparent circles blueish plastic all over my room. What a sham, dude :(

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Flying rocks and some ancient Greek dude

Is there just something about science that has to make everything ten times more complicated than it actually is? I mean, take a look at;

Meteors. Also known as meteorites or meteoroids, they are chunks off...asteroids, was it? (correct me if I'm wrong). But no, despite being the exact same thing, it has 3 different names for the exact same thing. Each different name refers to a different stage of the meteor/meteorite/meteoroid. Does it matter whether it's chugging around in outer space, shooting through our skies or plummeting into and destroying our homes, isn't it the same thing? WHy does it need so many different references? An egg is an egg right? Whether it's fried, scrambled, boiled, poached, omletted, or being thrown at your head, it's still an egg. It's an unchanging fact. And come to think of changing names for the same thing, what's with the meat? Why is called a cow when it's alive, and beef when it's dead? Pig while it's alive and pork when it's roasted and sitting on your plate? Someone, enlighten us all...please.

And as for another thing; Aristotle. How is that someone who lived over 2 thousand years ago (and, by the way, whatever he's famous for uncovering -most of it is incorrect-) has managed to worm his way into TWO of my classes? Not only do we have to know his theories on the earth being in the center of the universe, we also need to know his government opinions. Blah Blah Blah. I think this world would have been better off without this guy. That's all (and no, I'm not turning into Miranda Priestly. Although I have been made editor of our bible times magazine, english. Oh, the joy -_- )

Friday, November 06, 2009

This is the beginning of a new day.

In case anyone was wondering, yes, the grumpy toast is gone, and replaced by some boring piece of green and white template. The reason to that was, well, no reason really, but I got sick of the toast. It'd been staring at me like that for 10 months. At least now you can comment the posts if you want to, something you couldn't do before :) All you have to do is click my very popular 0 comments link. Eh heh heh.

I'm still a bit of a computer dope though. So I know the links say "edit me" but I really haven't got around to fixing that quite just yet, so don't click. They'll probably take you to the help page or something. And somehow everything I write ends up being translated in Hindi, why is that???

AND the computer is double spacing. I can't even get around to telling people how much I hate writing in double spacing... (>:)

Anyways, I thought I'd just get on this morning to complete my perfect 2 days in a row blogging record... so yah. And to also say, don't use the blue lux showergel. It's called shimmering sea. And believe me, they weren't kidding about that; the stuff actually smells like sea water mixed with detergent. So don't use ;)

I just realized that I skipped from chapter 2 to chapter 4 in my last blog entry. (woops) so don't mind that. There is no missing chapter, so don't worry your littles heads about pining over it :):)

2 tests today. Sose and science. Aargh, I need luck, can't remember much...unfortunately. Guess I'll just have to wing it then *sigh*

and last of all, right before 2 hours before school, et's have a vote (which is completely unschool related but oh well)-->

a) :)

b) (:

I see both of them a lot. Now which one's better?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Day Five, Novaembara

☆cindy: kimi ni todoke☆ 58 days!! (7 weeks) says:
*blog blog blog

and here I am. Again.

Still tired yah, but I think everyone's had enough of me complaining about how tired I am, so I'll just not mention it then...

Chapter One. My day.

HOME. 6am
So wakes up this morning and I try to study for sose by highlighting *important* sections. WHY is is that nearly the whole book ended up highlighted? Ugh, not working...

FORM. 8:50am

Airconditioner sounded like someone was smashing it on the other side. Smelt like someone had tried to smuggle 1000 dead bodies and 1000000 dried fish in the air vent.

Huh? Newspapers. Boring, dude.

Why are why knees so tanned?
Why are my feet so white?
WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY SKIN. (double eyelid still on vacation)

Cindy: Oh my gosh, it smells just like dog food! (referring to milo icecream--**by the way, the canteen got loads of new icecreams :P when did that happen?**--)
Harris: Um, no, it smells like milo.
Cindy: No, it really does smell like dog food.
Harris: ... did you by any chance feed your dog milo?
Cindy: .........
(laugh) Aha Aha Aha Aha kekekeke.
... Yes :)

Sarah doesn't like the sound of the Asian language nor is she a fan of "asian-style" clothes.

doze time.
Harris: the rocket is used for carrying fuel
Dr Y: and what does the rocket do with the fuel?
Harris: ...uh, carry it?
Dr Y: ...
class: har. har. har.

still don't know what to get for baby shower. how about pink soap?

Chapter Two. Pointless chatter, like always.

It's amazing that people have actually started reading my blog. Now I feel like I have actual standard to live up to, or whatever. Special credit to Sushi who's always read and liked, or at least, pretended to like.

So here are your random blah blahs of today:

1. Spring.
I don't know who else is dying from this damn hayfever, but I have like TTHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIISSSSSS many tissues stacked up in my room. I swear, if any of you guys can like invent a cure for hayfever, I would...use it.
Claratyne sucks. even though the tablets are so tiny, if you try to swallow them without water, they get lodged in throat and you actually have to punch yourself to get the tablet dooowwwn. So don't do it. Also, just for a quick medical lowdown:
1. Rhinocourt smells like wontons.
2. Becanase makes your brain sore (kind of like brain freeze, but not quite the same)
and they both make you sneeze straight away, so what's the point?

3. Traffic lights.
I've always wondered how they work. DO they have like sensors? Timers? Or there like a person to each traffic light that watch the road through a hidden camera and control the lights?

Chapter four. Ode to Anaya.

don't read this unless you're:
ALICE  (otherwise you'll die of boredom)
I guess you wanted this blog to be all about you. I guess I can blag on a bit longer about stupid pointless stuff and let everyone know about your alicesheness.
1. I'm still annoyed that you threw a rock at me on Tuesday because I have failed to pay you back.
2. I noticed you got a new band aid
3. The book is hereby still unfinished, hahaha, now you can cry
4. What no?
5. Of course I'm *not* annoyed.
6. I want your shirt bag.
7. Stop pulling your tongue out otherwise I'll cut it off :D
8. You still never answered my question. WOuld you or would you not bury yourself in a hole to save EC from your horribly highly infectious dinofever?
9. I'm singing Jakers in my head, and it's all you fault.
10. Please DON'T DON'T DON'T get a front fringe. your hair looks nice the way it is...leave it @_@

Chapter Five. For the benefit of Miss TV
Here's you summary, enjoy it:
chapter one I complain at school, how boring it is, and that stink smell in the clothing room
chapter two is completey pointless and covers hayfever, a cute asian kid and traffic lights
chapter three doesn't concern you.

and i don't think it gets any more summarised than that.

Thanks readers, I know it was a long entry. But whatever, if you hate it, don't read it. If you're bored, go for it.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Complaint Reunion

So I haven't blogged in two months, but now all of sudden, it's awesome to blog, and a lot of people are actually starting to read blogs. So maybe now, there is a point to blogging if it will actually end up being read. And even if it isn't going to be, at least it's a good way to
a) complain complain complain about stupid little things that suck without feeling like an ungrateful spoilt teenager since you're not complaining out loud and the only people reading your complaints are people too bored to have anything better to do or people who feel better knowing that someone else is suffering too -.-
b) Just blahggg it. I'm bored and I don't want to do homework.
Thankyou Cindy for asking me to blog again. I feel like I've reentered another world of cyber complaining -_- Or whatever.

So today was a loser and winner. Mostly a loser though.
1. I hardly slept at all. Tired all day.
2. I get to school. Cindy enlightens me that I'm losing my right double eyelid. I guess because my eyes are puffy from insomnia, they're temporarily byebye.
3. I only get 3/4 of a nutella sandwhich for lunch since there wasn't enough bread for a full sandwhich.
4. Some noob goes around stealing things from my friends' bags. Cindy is deprived of her right to eat icecream every day.
5. English just got whoppers of homework.
6. French--> surprise test. could not understand a word on tv thanks to the prehistoric quality, people talking and technology malfunctions
7. Get home and into shower intending to wash hair. realize that I'm wearing a shower cap and my hair is tied and pinned up. Felt very stupid.
8. Lost one contact lens in shower
9. Afterwards, tried to take out the other. Another half ann hour before the stupid lens would come out. My eyes is now all red and swollen. I hope it's not permanently damaged -_-

Usually I don't spend much time complaining on rbb. I'm just still annoyed that it took so long for the lens to come out of my eye. Annoyed doesn't really cover it. REALLY EXTREMELY peed off is more like it.

And I don't even know what to get maths teacher for baby farewell thing. I was thinking along the lines of huge bras (not. disgustingly sick minded and awkward) or like tonnes of nappies.

I forgot everything I was planning to blog about. Maybe I should just go to sleep.

This wasn't even funny. Now I have a stomach ache. Cut on my hand, no idea how it got there. Cuts on thumb, thanks a lot Leo.

Sarah T drew a heart on me in CLS. WOn't come off, neither will the person I drew on my finger in ENglish.

I hate school.
I haven't blogged for so long, I can't even do it anymore. Leo is meowing. GAH. Maybe should come back another time when I don't feel like pounding up everything I see (waahh)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Alas! My phone is ddead :O

Who knew it could be this cold....even thought the heater is on? Hmm, it's so cold that I have pins and needles down my whole left arm, or maybe that's just the way I was sleeping. :/

It's thursday. *half hearted "yay"* and tomorrow it'll be friday....then saturday YAY :)

I just though I'd say: Twilight Stinks.
I've said it only a million times before but I'll say it again anyway :D

Things are spooky in the dark~
1. The Russian doll on my desk is giving me evil looks
2. I keep thinking that girl from the grudge is going to start following me, even thouh I haven't seen the movie.
3. I can creepy piani music drifting up the stairs (oh wait. that's just emily :/)
4. I see shadows moving, but it's only me -_-
5. I have an overeactive imagination and a tendency to overexaggerate in my blog :/

KiKiSTRiKE iS THE BEST :D Yayayayayaya.

And random object blauggas~~
Mil Bottle.

These things are useless. They break so darn easily, it's not wonder they invented the CARTON. whoever still uses milkbottles and gets the dude to deliver it....get a life. seriously, there are no room for glass-milk-bottle-using people in this world. they could be doing something much more valuable with their time, rather than scraping broken glass and spilt milk off the doorstep- like supporting greenpeace.....
And for the people that manfucatured the milk bottle lollies. HOWDAREYOU encourage the glass-milk-bottle-users?!?!?!?!?! And for your information-the lollies are disgusting. they taste like glue and flour. BLLLLLLEUUUGGHHH. YUck.
Once, at IGA I saw flavoured milk. In a glass bottle :O
Oh, the disgrace to the cows. Can you imagine YOUR MILK BEING SOLD IN A GLASS BOTTLE. Okay, that came out a little wrong. But still, that's not the point :/
Just don't buy glass milk bottles. Just don't do it :/
~ <--Squiggly :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quantum Physics

Doesn't my title sound so smart? I have no idea what quantum physics is, or if it even exists, it just sounds cool :)

Well now, happy Yi Jung? I "desperately" blogged again for you. I guess I should just be glad that somebody likes my blog enough to set it on the homepage tags :) Thanks :)

So, my life is so like...I dunno. It's good :) And a way. That way being school, dancing, piano, homework blah blah blah....

Supposed to be doing physics homework right now......but don't really get it -_-
Bleugh. <-- And that's my new word.

HmmmmMMMMMMM my room's still clean-can you believe it? It's been like a week and a half. Who knows, maybe I'm getting good at this :)

And somebody give me a good book to read....
And I need a new layout but I'm still blogging so it's no excuse Yi Jung.

Struggeling to find something to talk about. I know:
I'll tell you everything I know about peas from the top of my brain.
Ok....first of all, peas are vegetables. They are green. they are small and round.
they are NOT the same as corn. they don't taste as sweet and they don't grow on a cob. come to mention it, where DO peas grow from?? Aaah, a pea pod, right?
Peas taste foul in quiche so don't try it.
Chickpeas. Exactly what are they? Aren't they like little cold hard brown peas? I dunno. :/
There was a pea in the story "the princess and the pea" I think it's lame though.
Once I tried to get out of eating my peas by eating everything else and camoflouging them at the bottom of the bowl (bowl was kind of sick green-same colour)
So look at me. I'm like some kind of pea genius.

(That was fun. I think i'll rattle off about a random topic every blog :)

Cool thing I heard at church:
Man: Tell me all the secrets of the universe...
God: No, that knowledge is reserved only for me.
Man: Well then, tell me all the secrets of this peanut.
(The man then became very famous for all of his ingenius scientific research and products made from peanuts that were very beneficial to the human race)
It's a true story :) Just can't remember the guy's name.
How cool! =]

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Umm, excuse me Cyndi but I kind of have "stupid copper orangutang" highlights...but hahahah. it's so true. chestnut brown would look on you...hmm, I think?
Well, anyways, I'm just trying to grow my hair. Not going to bother about dyeing it again. well, i was planning to go black-blue on the summmmmer holidays, but just for fun :D
Yay, good for you, you're finally starting to read Harry Potter!!! :)
Well, I'd read it again, but I'm waiting to buy Kiki Strike 2, which FINALLY came into stock...(only been waiting for a year~~~stupid bookshop +_+)

and um,,,,with the time management. I HAVE TO FINISH MY ENGLISH STORY TODAY!!! AAAArragh. Ok, finish story today, clean room tomorrow, edit story tuesday and wednesday morning...hopefully that'd be enough :S

and gaaaah. i think I should start posting pics on my blog like cyndi does? maybe that might make it halfway interesting~~~

To Di List:
-Finish English story [ ]
-Edit the darn thing [ ]
-Clean room [ ]
-Update blog with pics and new layout [ ]
-Don't think about dancing which starts on Tuesday [ ]
-Don't think about your piano lesson tomorrow +_+ [ ]
-Learn to eat with chopsticks left handed :) [ ]
-BE NEAT [ ]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sqiggly :)
I fee like 2 minute noodles :P

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Somebody. Is. ANGRY >>>>>>>.<<<<<<<

i just spent an hour blogging a post.
and just as i was about to post.
SOMEBODY turned off the modem.

All the data= POOF! Gone.

You don't have any idea how mad I am right now.

They both deny it.
but the modem didn't turn itself of, did it?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I return!!!

Well...I'm back (:
Had a great time...only problem is I feel like I've put on like a gazillion kilos hahaha
Ahhh well :/

Now it's back to business...
can't believe I've still got to go to my piano lesson at 2:15 today +_+ euuuugggghhhh...

And still have that stupid english assignment :/
aaaaah. my story is so lame +_+

and the room. the stupid room.
mum saw it when i was away and, um, she...she...
nah, actually it wasn't that bad.
she's probably used to it by now *sigh*

well, at least I'm seeing Harry Potter tonight :)

Friday, July 10, 2009


Ew. I just swallowed down a cup of strawberry nesquik really fast and now I can still feel it...err, you know, sloshing around.
+_+ it's sick. i dont know why I just blogged that -_- but i did.

So...i think i definitely need a new layout/ i've been trying to find one for the last three months on n off but still haven't come up with anything -_- I'm just sick of that stupid piece of anger managementasied burnt piece of wheat and yeast, aka, the grumpy toast.
If anyone has any good sites I can visit then ya, tell me :)

And my room still looks like...ahhh, junk. maybe a disorganised garage sale of some sort. it's getting there.
well, at least my wardrobe is sort of halfway presentable :/

As for english??? Uhhhh....I'm having a little trouble. there's too muc to think about rather than stupid Alan Karrupa who got a bomb stuck to his head. is that even funny? I find it funny.
Not very clever but humorous to a certain extent.
Mrs teacher  would probably mark me an F for crude humour -_-

And went shopping last night. Nobody came with me though :(
So...well it was pretty boring like usual +_+
Bought hardly anything like usual +_+
what's the point of finding all this cash if I'm not gunna spend it??
oh riiight the french trip. better start saving for that :S

yeah, well i'd better GO.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Thurrrsssaday (:

Happy Happy Happy
Feel loads better today... =]
Annnyway, I'm still trying to clean up my room :/
I was thinking of hosting a clothes swap party since I have so much leftover stuff I never wear, and don't wanna waste it...ya.

Going to bussleton from sun-tues so probably won't be blogging then unless i can somehow get internet access, or use my dad's phone...
and we're cancelling our piano lesson hahahaha :) :) :)

>>>>>>and shopping today?
I reeeeeally want to read Kiki Strike; the empress' tomb, but it's STILL out of long do these book stores usually take anyways?

Reports. reports. reports.
Why are they taking so long to arrive? What time does the mail usually arrive?

Blah. my hair. i think the auntie was kinda like rebel hairdresser. she did my hair how SHE wanted it, not how I wanted.
oh well...i'll live baha.
She did a good job...i like anyways...somehow haha

Stupid room :/ I wish i was like Mary Poppins, or something...

Go duster. how pathetic. it's sitting right next to me :/

By the way, WHY did nds-roms close down?
now i have to download off the chinese site which i don't understand a word of.
at least cyndi had the heart to teach me what to do :)

and that's it for now. sorry, boring blog.
well they're gunna be until i clean up my stupid room!!!

does anyone know any good movies i can watch while cleaning?
aissssh, that'd just slow me down :/
never mind +_+


I'm back.

Turns out we actually have to do piano lessons after all -_-
thanks a lot-MUM :(

Ahhh well, looking on the brighter side :)
I found $200 while cleaning up!!!!!! Like AWWWWEESOMEEE :)woop! I'm rich!! I'm rich!!!!
I guess this is why I love cleaning up since I always find some forgotten cash...muhahahaha :))

Anyone want to come shopping with me?

-----And I'm back again (4:17pm)
I'm going shopping tonight, so the invitation's still open.....anyone?

Aissh, this cleaning room business is getting there I guess, haven't found any more cash though//haha

And the pile of clothes i'm planning to use for the party looks like a brown body bag inside my wardrobe haha
it's even shaped like a body +_+

and just rummaging through the clothes by the way...i always ask people not to buy me clothes for birthday, christmas..whatever, since blaaaaah how boring, but anyway, just for the reference
I'M A SIZE 10 (tops) and 12 (pants) NOT A 14 or 16!!!! OK, EVERYBODY buys me 14 and 16 stuff. i don't know how many times i have to tell you this..... -_- but 14 is slightly too big and 16 just makes me look like a hobo.
so yeah.
and then it's a six, not an 8 +_+
sheesh!! :/

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Cloudy Weather

Well. First of all yesterday was Kim Bum's birthday.
You know, we're all so over it but he's still kinda cute looking even if it is in a girly way (;

And I got my haircut too. The auntie that did it purposely cut my layers and fringe so short that I now look like an anime character that escaped from a Japanese manga :/ ahhh well, it'll grow by the time school starts. it's not really as long as it was but that'll grow too so no harm done (:
nearly all the highlights were cut off though, lol, but that's ok since i want it back to black

hmmmm, and while we were there at auntie elaine's place, i started picking glue off the table just for the fun of it. i dunno, don't ask i always just liked picking dried glue off things. it didn't really help that they looked like dried ginat boogers, especially the colour.
well, next thing i know the toddlers oscar and charmaine (i think that's their names and they're like 4 and 6 or something) are joining in.
and now apparently i'm guilty of being a bad influence, encouraging bad habits and teaching them the word "booger."
:/ oh dear.

and my room is still horrificulousterribleous :/
EEEUUGGGH. the deadline's sunday.
how the heck am i supposed to make it????

AND. we're going yum cha today.

and stupid english homework :/ i ran out of motivation ):

so there's my day for you all.
didn't even sleep properly +_+

btw cyndi. don't beat urself up (well u probably wouldnt have anyway) i dont think u made me sick. mum reckons its astha triggered >:( i've been trying to get sick alllll year...WHY on the holidays????? WHHHHHYYYY??!??!!??!?!?!

Why are they taking so long????
I need to know whether i flunked sport or not :Sa

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

So July 7

Well well well.
Starting to keep my promise, I just remembered about it +_+

Hmm, well let's see:

1. Harry Potter comes out next wednesday O.O
Yaaaaaaaay!!!! :D

2. I'm getting my haircut today :/ I wonder how THAT'S gunna turn out?
Apparently the aunty that's doing it wears hotpants, she's funny and very talented.
So I'm good :)

3. Yesss, me and bella have made a deal that we're trying to lose our cheese legs.
I don't see her problem. Her legs are nice and muscled, LOL. mine are much cheesier than hers :/
People stop trying to talk me out of it. I'm not dieting, and im not trying to lose weight.
Just tone up the cheese legs :S There's a difference!

Wii fit yoga is SO boring :/

4. The bruise on my left knee i got from ice skating is now about the same size and shape of a small fish. it's reallly dark purple/black.
i also hit my right ankle on something in my room and i think that's bruised as well :( i can't see a bruise yet but i can't walk normally.... -_- aish!!
And while playing catch with Alfred (aka Daniel the brother) I added another cut to my cuts collection and my lovely middle finger has a big fat cut on it.
tried spraying the spray on liquid bandaid but I don't think it's done anything yet :/

5. I'm currently obessed with this face

6. Even though we're all (sadly) over boys before flowers, I'm going to rewatch some episodes, I think. Nothing like a good dose of F4 to make me feel more motivated.

7. CYNDI I think you made me sick :( lol

Monday, July 06, 2009

So....welcome back :/

I solomly swear that..(i am up to no good),,,,no, that i will update every day
or at least try to
i really doubt that anybody's actually follows this (heyy maybe cyndi?) but yehhh, JUST DO IT ANYWAY< HARRIS__just do it!!!!!! So. it's holidays. what have i been up to? ummm. nothing much. let's see: 1. The room. Same old, same old. nothing really changes here. of course it still looks terrible :/ sstuff everywhere how on earth am i gunna clean it up by sunday (thats the deadline) =/ and plus i split teeth everywhere. yes, thats right. TEETH. oh my gosh, i kept my teeth when they fell out. that's so sick. everywhere on the floor there's all these little rank little white things. i mean they're clean, i brushed my teeth like a maniac but still :/ kinda gross ahaha. i think i was trying to get a million bucks from tooth fairy and forgot about it later or something, lol. i once had a dream in like year 2 that the tooth fairy left me this whole pile of jewels and beads so 2. the homework. a boy gets a present from his psychopathic ex girlfriend. its a bomb. tell me, is that funny?? 3/ ice skating WHY is it that i'm the only one to fall over??? WHY ME? why only me????? everyone thought it was hilarious :( according to one miss Aleisha Ferrari i fell no less than 7 times. stupid old man showing off stupid profeessional toddlers (we had to share ice with stuck up tiny tots) resulting injuries: about 3 bruises and 3 cuts. my head reaaaaly hurt afterwards but i never hit it on the ice me: "gosh mum , i think i'd remember if i smashed my head on the ice!" mum: "hahahahahahaha" me:....uh, oh.

4. Haircut
Ya know, i actually totally forgot about this until SOMEBODY (wink wink hint hint nudge nudge ahem,,,,) went off about HER hair now im starting to actually think about my hair which is not good. not good at all. i have more important things to concentrate on than stupid hair :/
guess i'll be doing the layers again =/ nothing special...
i hate my fringe. stupid middle parting,,,,!!!!!!!!

5. poached eggs and too much vinegar.
eugh :/ more like vinegar soup and burned tongue

6. wii.
transformers: oh gosh, this game is SO fun!!! u just sit there and blow up robots.
love the sideways level when u get to be the car ^^ can't wait to play more!
harry potter and the half blood prince: i'm sorry, i think the game sucks.
no where near as good as i expected..... :/

hahahaa, such a nerd i am ^^

Friday, June 19, 2009

Saga Poem

The Twilight Saga.
Edward Cullen, Bella Swan.
Meyer thinks she may have won
all of us over, got us hooked-
on this sad excuse for a book.
This “international phenomenon” has brainwashed the nation.
Or at least half of the world’s female population.
Well, maybe not. There are some now
that aren’t sucked in, and are wondering how
this series had got everyone gushing over the story
it’s not that great-does it really deserve all this glory?
Who wants to read the never ending ranting?
By Bella-about how Edward’s so enchanting?
What’s with him, anyway? What makes him stand
and make other males appear so bland?
That crooked smile, the copper hair
or his ‘vegetarian’ diet of lion and bear?
Edward Cullen; he’s supposedly perfect.
And beautiful-but last time I checked,
boys did not appreciate, girls blabbing on about
this fiction vampire-and why do they always shout
and scream, whenever his name is spoken?
Or because he’s not real, their hearts are broken?
So what-he’s “hot,” but did you consider too
that he’s basically a stalker-or is that alright with you?
Edward Cullen, get a life!
Even though Bella is your wife-
Since nineteen oh one, your life had no meaning
Then along Bella came-what? Are you dreaming?
Of all the girls, you had to choose
The whiny, wimpy, clingy goose.
What’s wrong with you? Is it messing with your head? (your anti-gravity hairstyle)
Or-most likely-were you, perhaps, becoming old and senile?
One hundred and eight years, is, after all, an awfully long time,
perhaps it’s started to affect your omniscient mind.
And as for Miss Isabella Swan
Why would she so gladly swap
Her human life for a vampire one?
Doesn’t she know-you can’t have any fun
When you’re constantly trying not to eat your friend
Where’s your common sense? This won’t be a happy end.
How much can you take? Can you read any more?
Or does all this talk make you sick to the core?
But that’s it for now. I don’t have enough time
to come up with another defamatory line.
Although, this was fun; but I find it confusing-
writing about something I hate turned out to be amusing
Not as boring, as I would have thought.
But I guess that’s what happens when you’re so caught
up in expressing you detestation of twilight
in a friendly poetic manner- without causing a fight
And if you didn’t get it-let me set this straight
The Twilight Saga

>:(-- And that, my friend, is an angry face. To show you my extreme distaste, for that pile of grovel We call Meyer’s “fantastic” novel.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Aaaaah, I give up!
Always the same, over and over again, have to clean up the stupid room.
Well, yesterday started off the same as any other room-cleaning day starts, "Aaah, I'm going to clean up this whole crap yard completely, get it over and done with it, do it thoroughly and nEVER get myself stuck in this situation again!!!'
Well, I mean it worked. For like the first hour and a half... and then I got sick of it.
Back to the old 'stuff everything in the wardrobe and hope mum doesn't look in there trick'
And now I don't know where any of my clothes are, because they're hidden beneath a pile of...other stuff.
So, yeah. Now I have to survive another 3 weeks of trying to keep it semi-clean while waiting for the stupid Ikea bed to arrive-like....I've been sleeping on the floor for like a year now. And that's probably why I don't sleep well +_+ Feel like a zombie :)
SOSE test Better do some study.
Oh right. On thursday my drink bottle leaked all over my bad. and most of my perfect sose notes (i never take notes except in sose and i kinda make them look nice) got SOAKED. I guess I just wasn't meant to take notes in the first place. Now I have to get a hairdryer and sort that mess seeyous later

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thing that Have stuffed me up for a life (or at least a lot of it)

1. The ring incident- (1999)
(scroll down to read blog about the ring incident.)
Result: Never again can wear rings.

2. Beauty and the Beast; An enchanted Christmas- (1999)
Thanks to watching this movie when I was little, after seeing the evil organ (the keyboard/piano thingy) in this movie I was never right again. Seriously, that thing is SCARY. Well, was. It's eyes and mouth..*shivers*
Result: Had nightmares for weeks after seeing the movie. Could never hear the sound of organs again for a long time without going berserk. Even today, I still cringe when I hear organs. The noise they make is spooky enough on its own without a disturbing memory to go along with it.

3. Wii/ Wii Fit/ Pesky Siblings- (2009)
Not only is your weight displayed on the tv for the whole world (aka, Brothers and Sisters) to see, but only a couple of button presses away, ANYBODY can access the mii channel and edit your character.
I can't even count the amount of times emily and daniel have changed my mii into a male/suddenly make it gain excess weight/grow a shifu moutstache and beard/get grey hair/go BALD/etc etc etc.
The worst one was when it got turned to a male without me realizing and when i played rhythm boxing, there was my mii. Topless.
Like, I know it's graphics and all-just a game. But still. That thing represents me. can't have it parading around like that...
Result: Humiliation/Annoyance to the point of wanting to beat up said siblings but cannot for obvious reasons.

4. Sydney Opera House- (2007)
Once upon a time there was a trip called the Syney/Canberra. At the opera house, i dared emily to kiss it (it was filthy), so she did it. then she dared me back. because it looked so disgustingly rank, i got out my little pocket dettol and scrubbed it clean. then to get it over and done with, i leaned forward and tried to quickly get it over and done with.
Uh uh, not smart. What i thought was "quick" i actually ended up smashing my head into the house and sending my braces shooting through my mouth. There was a lot of blood and it wasn't pretty.
Result: Busted lip that refused to heal for months and an extremely anti-patriotic hate towards said Opera House <:(
Couldn't help noting that this is extremely similar to the monkey bar incident. just don't learn, do I?

5. The Monkey Bar Incident- (2000)
In pre primary, Tiana betted that I couldn't jump four bars. And i betted her that I could. So I tried.
Well I ended up jumping a lot more than four bars and smashed into the pole at the end.
Pain Pain Pain. And an added plus that mum was twenty minutes late to pick me up from school that day.
Result: A black eye (left) that STAYED black for MONTHS. i have photographic evidence that most of my five year old life was spent with a pirate patch bruise. and people wondered why emily always looked better in the photos.
Never been able to face up to monkey bars again.

6. Metal Wicket Inicident- (2005)
Result- Let's just say that thanks to this, I can never ever play cricket again, and probably can't have kids either.